Sunday, March 3, 2013

*Noticeable Attraction* Fashion Show! Full Photo Coverage!

This show was to benefit Habitat for Humanity Detroit, which is such a super awesome organization, I always try to raise money and attend events that supplement them. (Here's their website) We want to "Rebuild Detroit" and that's what they are doing, one brick at a time. That's what it's going to take, every hand, every dollar, joined together building greatness.

This was a very big show. 105 models, huge crowd in the audience, amazing turnout, super cool. A ton of AMAZING hair and beauty staff. My favorite backstage coordinator of all time, Timothy Lee, LOVE HIM.

The Hair and Makeup Artists in their ULTIMATE ACTION ROOM. This was a *flurry* of activity all day. 

Me before hair and makeup. This was QUITE a transformation. 

Gorgeous Make-Up Artist Miss Talya doing some really cool avant garde cosmetics on Stacy.

My AMAZING WONDERFUL MIRACLE WORKER Hair Magician, Marquita. She *transformed* my hair from silly mess into LIQUID SCULPTURE! Call her at 313-363-2716 or email at and she's a beauty, what a bonus. 

Here is my finished makeup from Talya. Smokey eye plus blue liner and ULTRA SUPER LONG SUPERWOMAN LASHES. Longest lashes I've ever worn, and that's saying a lot. Love them. 

Here's Fashion Designer Shemon Ford, poor thing, he was up til 430am the night before finishing garments. What a sweetheart he is. He loves Tom Ford as much as I do, omg so amazing. I was wearing a dress by him for my first look. 

One of MANY Racks of clothes backstage at the show. I love the colors in these gowns and outfits, so gorgeous and bright and cheery!

Here's my Shemon Ford asymmetrical draped dress. Lovely sheen on the silk. The colors so vivid and lively. 

We had some lovely male escorts (not THAT kind!) at the show and here was one of them with me. It's always nice to have some boy-energy around!

Super-Sweet Ultra Beauty, Mallory! What an angel. So wonderful to spend the day with her. If you ever want to hang out with someone who is just a concentrated ray of sunshine, seek this Lady out!

Here are the Princess-y Bridal Accessories for the 4 dresses I would wear for Marian at Elegant Wedding Shows! (website here) It was so fun. omg. I've been married 7 years... but you'll see... I was so into the wedding glamour!!

Some of the wonderful professional photos by Terance Drake. Here I'm walking for Elegant Bridal shows with Yasser Ghias, my gorgeous Groom. I can't wait to see what our life will be like together. LOL.

I'm looking toward our future with a heart filled with hope. hahha.

OOOOooooh, I loved this dress. It was a two-piece. Gorgeous! I had a different Groom for this one, he stepped on my gown as I was walking off the runway! Divorce is eminent. :-)

Another one of my Grooms, Richard Mason. OMG! Look at this guy! Have you ever seen anyone look so dapper and amazing? I think we make a great couple. We're going to have a sundae bar at our reception. Please gift us with Crate & Barrel.

This time I had to be a bridesmaid (gosh, which i have been quite a bit) and bitch put us in Tangerine. Really, Bride? Really??? Ohhhhh, I'll get you back! Seafoam Taffeta is in YOUR future. BOOM.

Ahh, the nuptials of Ali Amine and I. We thank all of you for being here on this blessed day. Please enjoy the surf and turf, and the DJ will play "Celebration" about 3 times.

There was an intermission before I went on with this, so I basked in it's Cinderella-y glory. Pauletta said I look like the dancer inside a music box, how sweet is that!?

Finishing our last looks, munching on catered snacks. We all had a great day. I love how this Lady in the corner is looking at me like, "what in the hell are you doing?" hahah. It's just fun to see the camaraderie that flows among the Detroit Fashion World, it's really heartwarming. In a world where things could be very catty and competitive, there is harmony. That is the most beautiful thing of all. 

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