Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Run, run, run

Tuesday, rainy and windy yet warm. School 8am. I got to school early so I could get my laptop going so I could buy tickets to the rapper Cheek's concert. Didn't manage to get them online because of some collapse in the Internet shop (which always happens with big and popular events) but luckily I got someone else to buy them for me. So it sold out in an hour, that was no surprise.

Back home I grabbed a little snack and decided it was time to start properly exercising again after having a flu last month. Better to take it easy for a longer period to not catch anything more severe. In Finland the rain is usually cold and it makes the air cold too. Here the rain felt really nice while running, it wasn't too much. I felt a warm breeze from the sea. It felt like the steps were easier than last time, even if I'd had a long break. As I've probably mentioned before, with the right kind of music playing I feel like I can do anything. I just kept running and running, it felt really good. It helps to have the right gear too. I always trust Nike, their clothes always fit and look good. When it comes to running shoes get Asics, they're the best. Up next some more school work and stretching of course.


Running jacket: Nike
Running pants: Craft
Running shoes: Asics 

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