Monday, March 25, 2013

Gonna fly now

After a nice and long weekend it felt good to get back to school. Today we had our marketing final presentation. You could see that people took it seriously, a lot of students had dressed in their best suits. Even our team made the effort. I felt we nailed the presentation and now we just have to wait for the results, if we'll make it to the second round. The idea of the winning team might actually be taken into use at the Credit Agricole bank.

The others had class and another presentation but I headed home. It was a dangerous drive, if I've learned something is that the bus drivers here are crazy. Try standing in 4 inch heels and not fall. You really need to hold on with both hands. I hope I don't even have to lay eyes on a bus when I get back home. 

Since I started my running project here I thought I'd continue. Back home my running usually ends when winter comes since I hate the cold and don't like running on a treadmill since it's really monotonous. Here it's easy. I feel like every time I'm on the promenade I ran into Canadians; last week it was Jason and Priya and I think Gordie passed me tonight? I've managed to run 6km straight, not bad, I haven't done much running in a while. When I felt like giving up and switching to walking this song kept me going. Though I still gotta work on my one-arm push-up. ;)

Blouse: Mango
Pants: Esprit
Bag: Chanel
Shoes: Jimmy Choo
Jacket: Armani Collezioni

My new favourite treat

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