Saturday, March 30, 2013

Fondue night

I checked out from my hotel yesterday and waited in the lobby for my dear friend family to come and get me. I hadn't seen them in over 10 years (since I lived with them for one summer here in Switzerland) so naturally I was a bit nervous but once they arrived all those feelings went away. The kids have grown up so much. Yannick is already a 16 year old almost grown-up and Alexandra is a 14 year old young lady. The weather turned very snowy and cold but somehow being in Switzerland the first thing that comes to mind is snow and the alps so it fit the scene perfectly. We also went to visit a friend of theirs at her new apartment, I'll show you pics later it was so beautiful and she had done the decorating and renovating herself.

On our way to Sursee from Zurich we stopped by a store to buy some bread and get some white wine for our fondue and movie night. I really love it here. We drove by the apartment building where they used to live and arrived to their new house. Everyone was so tired and hungry so Timo just made some fondue and we all switched into comfy clothes and sat down on the couch to have some nice fondue and decide on a movie. As Jutta put it we were almost done with the fondue before we chose the movie! :D

We ended up deciding to watch Our Idiot Brother starring Paul Rudd. The (German) trailer didn't give me much out of the movie but watching the movie itself (in English) changed my mind. It was hilarious we just had so much fun with the fondue and some great white wine, not those way too sweet ones I've ended up buying in a rush in France. We decided to watch another movie also, Letters to Juliet. Oh it was so nice and now it makes me wanna visit the city of Verona even more. The classic story Romeo and Juliet is incorporated into the story of course. I warmly recommend it (especially to you ladies) the guys thought there was too much romance involved.

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