Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Moving out

Ok, almost three months behind and I notice I've got way too much stuff.  I have to move from my lovely holiday rental (to an even more lovely holiday rental) across the street cause this one's got other bookings, therefore I am packing now. How on earth did this happen? I didn't think I had that much stuff with me. Although I did bring more clothes and shoes with me when I stopped by at home last month and didn't take that much away from here. Also I think I'm drowning in bags and shoes, those take the most space. I suddenly have a déjà vu moment from my summer in LA. Back then there were no crazy limitations and unreasonable fees for overweight in your luggage. I remember you could actually bring two suitcases with you to The United States, and each was allowed to weigh a staggering 32kg. And now when you go it's the same limitations as for traveling within Europe for example. Is it just me who thinks it's crazy? Cause I think you should be allowed to bring more things with you if you travel further.

So I only have one possibility; buy a new suitcase! That's probably the easiest and cheapest way to get out of this mess. Exactly like in LA. I remember ending up buying way too many shoes and clothes and even a long evening gown, which was impossible to fit in the existing suitcases. Luckily my mum's coming with my siblings in May and I'm able to hand my suitcases to them so it'll be easier for me to leave on my own later. Did I tell you guys I already booked my ticket home? So it's official! The day is May 30. I feel like the countdown has started and I've still got so many things to do yet. I'm moving out on Monday already. Easier said than done! If anyone wants to help me Monday afternoon let me know! It would be nice. :)

Yeah don't even think about closing this one...

Only a portion of the shoes I have with me

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