Saturday, March 23, 2013

A long but even more fun day

Oh Friday! Usually it means the weekend for people but not for us this week. Almost everyone is having class Saturday morning also. The second day of Corporate Law classes. A lot of the guys have actually said that the teacher is kinda good-looking. She wears high heels, tight skirts and glasses and her hair is up, the only thing she needs is a pointer and it would be straight out of a movie! :D I didn't get the same feeling out of our lunch at the beach session today, it was a little chillier and there was some wind that made it less pleasant but we still had fun.

The ride home took forever in an extremely crowded bus, 45min I think so I literally had to run home to switch into my workout clothes and hit the gym for some BodyPump. I don't know if the trainer had a long day as well or if it was the upcoming weekend but he was a mess with the moves. He kept forgetting things and did some things wrong. Even I remembered the moves better cause he was mixing from older BodyPump releases, so for example the bicep track was from release 80, a cool remix of Eye of the Tiger which I love. It really makes you pump those biceps harder. I've also noticed how the group classes and the atmosphere at the gym is different than back home. I was trying to focus on my own workout while 3 Italians scream almost in my ear behind me during every track. It was like a zoo almost. 

Here's the song

Today was also time for the infamous A Night You Can't Remember at Helen and Robin's. Oh my god was it crowded! As I arrived it felt fine but in a split-second more and more people started coming, and I didn't know most of them. Of course everyone I know was there too but also a lot of new faces. I love meeting new people but it would've been more fun if you could've been able to breath and move. But as the night went on I was sipping my wine and it didn't feel so bad anymore. It turned out to be a great night and I even made it to Saturday's morning class on time without problems. I always feel fine the day after no matter what and can manage with less sleep also. So it seems my age has not caught up with me yet! ;) Or then it's the proper hydration (water). So thanks to everyone especially Helen, Robin, Stéphane and Stijn for a great night at Colocs Magnifique!

Shirt: H&M
Jacket: Sand
Bag: Louis Vuitton
Necklace: Gucci 

Some of you might ask why I'm wearing a faux fur in Nice in March. It's still not summer even if the days have been hot occasionally to say the least but nights are still chilly. Besides it's so nice and chic. Don't you just love it? Cause I do! ;)

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