Friday, March 15, 2013

Goodbye- GFC & Hello- Blog Lovin' -_-

I did this whole post about blog lovin, Google reader, and GFC but then I tried to add this cute little button thing....

Follow on Bloglovin

and it all disappeared and I couldn't get it back =( 


there ya have it.. follow me on blog lovin, since google reader (and GFC??) are going bye bye starting July 1st.

linking up for Friday blog hops- 

I have to agree with Whitney on this one, 

NSYNC and Nelly were the best duo!!! I loved both of them!

For my own choice goes to Jay-Z :  Hard knock life ... ain't that the truth! =)

Aloha Friday Blog Hop



I'm wondering how these link-ups will all work when GFC and google reader are gone?! =\ guess blog lovin is... the new GFC 

Have a great weekend y'all!

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