Monday, March 4, 2013

Sent to heaven {my cat, Baby}

Today we put my cat, Baby, down. It was a very fast decision.  I mean we knew we had to sooner or later but my mom just called at like 8 this morning and they told her to come right in... like what?! damn give me a minute to swallow this....that was fast. =(

I'm more upset that I couldn't be there. I did though, kiss him goodbye

He was like 15 years old, I watched him grow up =( I'm very upset but I know he is in a better place!

these are his last few minutes alive.....

He could barely walk, he barely ate, and pooped every where. His fur just looked greasy and very thick and knotty, no matter what we did. He is in a better place now.

Here are some kitten pictures -

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