Thursday, March 7, 2013

French, French, French

It seems that the rain does not stop. I checked the forecast for the upcoming weekend and Sunday should be a spring/summerday and sunshine. Well just gotta hang in there while waiting, then it's gonna rain for about another week again. We had an extra French class today and since a whole lot of people were missing the teacher decided to give us extra points to our final grade for "making the effort and coming to class". Our other French class was cancelled so I headed to J. Multari, a very traditional boulangerie in France founded in 1987. I love their chèvre baguette but this time I decided to try some dessert too so I hade a tarte aux fruits (I guess no translation is needed).

Soon it's time to head back to school for yet another evening class (also French related) and then it's weekend for me. 

Have a nice Thursday!

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