Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11 - "for days of unwash" - Vanessa

Apparently my family has no time for Daylight Savings. The three of us didn't wake up until 930. zomg. So because of this I had to shuffle M off to skool and then shimmy home and get Spätz and I ready tout de suite. I had my hair highlighted on Saturday, and for those that also have very dry hair, you know you cannot wash it for a while after that. Plus, I had no time to shower anyways. LOL. 
So my usual method "for days of unwash" (I had a hair powder that said that, i thought it was funny) is to stick two MASSIVE hair extensions in it, and make these crazy, elaborate braids. Then I look SO FANCY, you don't CARE how I smell!! WOOT WOOT!

To do this, I put the two long extensions in 18 inches, i think. then i made two french braids with my hair and the fake to the sides in the front. I took the remaining fake and real hair and made a third braid. and then I pinned up all the braids on my head at random, creating this. It is very heavy and not that comfortable, but hey, beauty is pain, amiright? hahah. 

Track Jacket - Hurley
Vintage 1970s house Dress - Thrifted
Leggings - Reebok

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