Friday, November 9, 2012

The Runway Chronicles ...

So this happened a little awhile ago, but then "Styles in the City" was postphoned, and I didn't even know if it was going to happen, or if I was going to be called back, but they are still texting and emailing me the information, so I guess I'm hired. LOL

This was the Model Rehearsal to decide if you were going to be a Runway Model or a Vendor Model for the conference. We had to do "our walk" and a runway coach would critique us. We waited one by one in a line, it was very nerve-wracking. I NEVER EVER get nervous about things like this, but I WAS ON THIS DAY!!
I had to walk 3 times, every time the coach was giving me different directions, and you don't have a mirror to see yourself, so she was yelling, "don't move your shoulders!" and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I WAS MOVING THEM. So strange. Also they told me I was too stiff and tense, but when you are walking in 6 inch heels and you've been waiting group of so many other beautiful models waiting hoping that they would select you, it's hard to be relaxed.
The event was rescheduled for Nov 24/25, so we will probably have another rehearsal/fitting before that, and I'll chronicle that as well... Lovies!

waiting with all the tall beautiful people. :-)

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