Monday, November 26, 2012

The Runway Chronicles - Styles in the City Backstage

So here's the backstage play-by-play for the Styles in the City Runway Show that I was in yesterday. I'm so so tired right now, so excuse my lack of expressive language and possible terseness. :-) Love yous!!

 Spätzle and I having breakfast. Yeah, I probably shouldn't condone standing on the coffee table. Oh well. 
 This is how most of my day was spent. Pre-makeup and Pre-hair, just chillin, tweeting my homies, talking with all the wonderful girls.

 Pre Show Pizza Break. I laugh because what we ate that day was doughnuts, pizza and then Wendy's. So awesomely american.

 The Hair Stylists performing miracles on everyone's lovely locks.

 Gorgeous Rhonda from "U Gotta Have It" boutique 27330 Southfield Road  Lathrup Village, MI 48076
(248) 424-4799. She's awesome. Love her. 

 Me with the done hair and makeup. I feel like a cyber-fashion-alien. In a good way.

Midnight, taking out the braid. I kinda want to keep it to swing around all day. 

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