Friday, November 16, 2012

Free Art Friday... How Cool Is That?

Ok, so M and I were just kickin around town. Went and did some parkour, got some cookies, went to visit some doggies we like... and we were walking down the sidewalk ready to stroll home and saw this painting leaning against one of the planters downtown. I said, "WHOA! That's a painting! Why is it there?" M asked, "Can we keep it?" This note was attached to the back (see below), here's the Facebook page for the group of obviously really cool people that do this (click here)

How Awesome! I thought, "I OUR TOWN?" This is wayyyyy too cool. Then I just felt like if I was taking a piece of art, I should leave one for someone else to find. So we ran home... And took this flower painting that I did off the wall (see below, with my new acquisition)

So then we ran back down to town to drop off my free piece of art for someone else to find. I just attached the same note to the back. I hope whomever finds it likes it! So amazing! I hope to do the same thing next friday! (Below, with my free art offering to the universe)

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