Friday, November 16, 2012

Me vs. Gwen Stefani **Top-Knot Challenge**

 We both:

  • are mothers of two kids
  • have mad style
  • brown eyes
  • both of us sing (her very well, me crappy)
  • have super 1990s husbands that we love
  • enjoy liquid eyeliner on the reg
  • .... are working the "fashion" top-knot
I am working mine because I woke up and one of my tires was completely flat. I'm hoping that no one on my little street is out to get me (ala gangster action), which is doubtful. But since I had to be at Belle Tire all morning getting 4 new tires, oil change, flux capacitor change... the whole 9... I did not have time to shower or do any semblance of a hairdo today. So I thought, "HEY! Gwen rocks that wicked cool top-knot in like every single photo i've seen of her lately, i'll do that." Thank you Lady Friend Gwen, so it's not just dirty hair that made me do this... i'm trying to be like a rock star.

Hilarious story, but Gwen and I have a mutual friend, and in the late 1990s we used to hang out whenever she was in town. This was in her hot pink hair stage, I also think she had the braces at that time. We would hang out at venues, go to Target, go out to lunch, normal stuff like that, she was a really really sweet beautiful girl, but I know that she would never ever remember me. Even a couple years ago after she had Kingston she was in town and we were invited to come out to the concert and hang out let DD play with Kingston etc, but i think we had just moved and everything was crazy and we just couldn't go. So sadly I haven't seen Miss Gwen lately.

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