Sunday, November 18, 2012

DIY - Repairing the Roos aka "The People's Champs"

These are the best shoes. "The People's Champ" of shoes. So comfy. Freakin Retro Like A Boss, Great Color. Gives a good leg-line when paired with dark jeans (the only jeans we would wear anyways)

Unfortunately the Roos suffered a blow-out, and I've still been wearing them with this going on for several weeks. I can (as you can see) fit three solid fingers in there, so we're pretty much dilated to 2-4 cm.. Hahah, almost time to have a baby through that gaping hole. So since I was getting all DIY up in here yesterday, I decided to just fix the Roos too.

I found some really really sticky blue tape. It reminded me of Leukotape that we use in the PT profession. Super tough too. So I stuck some inside and kind of placed the ends of the blow-out back together like a little puzzle, then when that was pretty secure I topped it with another piece of tape, and then drew a Happy Face on it.
Just for safety sake I put a small piece of tape in the same location on the other shoe, it was almost ruptured as well.


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