Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Nov 27 - Vanessa & **CLASP**

Doing the Usual today.... Nothing glamourous. Although EVERY day should be glamourous, right?

This is warm comfy and easy to play with kids in.

Sorority T Shirt - Garage Sale
Vest/Sweater - Target
Skirt - Old Navy
Leggings - Reebok
Shoes - Thrifted

Also, I'm just really proud of the **CLASP** Jewelry Styling Crew for supplying the accessories for Styles in the City 2012. Everyone did a great job, we supplied some great pieces. It was fun. See Photos of Our Jewelry On The GORGEOUS MODELS on our Facebook Page (click here)
We provide jewelry, belts, bags, pretty much anything you need to make any outfit SENSATIONAL. Would you like proof?

Mr. T - BOOM

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