Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Love the Skin You're In

I used to love the Sun.

I would bake myself Mahogany. I never burned, I could stay in the sun for days on end, my skin turning the perfect color of a caramel-latte. I never wore sunscreen, why would I?
But then I turned 25 and I started seeing these little folds beginning to lay in the outer corners of my eyes... Ut oh, so then I started wearing sunscreen on my face as much as I could remember, every couple days or so, def if i was going to be out at the beach or outdoors all day. I wouldn't wear it on my body though, because you don't really get wrinkles on your shins, do you?

Then I went to the dermatologist because a mole on my lower back was just annoying the snot out of me, it was kinda big and would bump on my belt line. The doctor examined the mole, said it was fine... But then she said "hold on", and busted out some weird lighted monocle to look at some points of skin along my spine and mid-back. She started rattling off medical terms to the nurse and then next thing I know, I'm scheduled for 2 separate surgeries to removed melanoma from my back.

I'm always such a trooper, I've had a trillion surgeries from sports injuries, most of them pretty major, so I thought this isn't going to be a big deal. DH took me to the surgical center and carted me back home afterwards, and i don't know if it was me or the Tylenol 3's talking, but I said, "Go ahead, go back to work, i'm fine with the kids..." So he went and I just started doing the normal mom things... Pony rides, wrestling, playing chase. About an hour later, i felt some cold dripping on my back. I asked DD, "What's dripping on my back?" she said, "A LOT of blood, Mommy." omg. I called the surgery center, they told me to get someone to put direct pressure on it, I told them the only person i had available was a 4 year old or a baby. My incision had totally ruptured and I was pouring blood. So I had to scoop up DS from his nap (he was NOT PLEASED) and DD and go back to the hospital driving all of us myself. DH met us there and DD watched (her request) as they stitched me back together like Sally in "Nightmare before Christmas". For the next surgery, i obvious had someone watch my kids so i could heal for a day. hahah.

So long story short, I take sun protection VERY SERIOUSLY. I don't want to die. I don't want to have skin cancer. So I buy those terrible looking Burkini type bathing suit shirts, I slather myself in high SPF sunscreen. and Today, (the point of this whole story) I bought another tube of Dr. Jart SPF 45 BB Cream, which is wonderful.
I just want the young people out there to remember, everything is good in moderation, but the sun can be dangerous, even if you think it isn't for you. Be careful, protect yourself, be smart. Love yous!

Here's the SPF 45 BB Cream I bought. (buy here)

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