Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Social!

&& let me tell you I am too excited for the fall season!!!!

Sunday Social

Hey everyone! 

I haven't linked up in a while

 so here is a quick post for you ..

1. What is your favorite handbag you've ever owned?

I sold this to one of my besties... & I'm very sad about it

Everyday I miss it!!!

2. What is your dream handbag you lust over?

Another big Michael K. bag that isn't leather!!! 

3. What are the daily essentials in your purse or work bag?

My debit and credit card, my new work notebook,

 a phone charger, carmax (can't go anywhere

with out that!) and my BB cream!

4. What's in your purse (with pictures)?

This was what was in my MK bag before I sold it!! hahahaha 

Now I have a Coach bag that I got from a garage sale for $3.00!!!! 

It is still limited space

 It basically has my 

important cards & papers

  maybe some polish, nail file, tissues, make-up bag

ya know stuff like that

Oh & a phone charger! That is very essential! 

Did you miss my last post about What's Inside Your Bag?? 

read it  HERE

Have a great day! I'm off trying to enjoy the first day of fall!!! 

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