Monday, September 23, 2013

5 for FIVE ; Mani Monday

hello Monday , nice to see you again, said no one ever ...

this post is late, for me at least! but like I've said before anything is better then nothing! 

I'm at work trying to do my front desk work, group sales, and blog at the same time. yeah it's slow season here at the hotel but it's still a lot of work to be done. 

Joe left me today for the next two weeks... boooo.. but I think I'll be okay, it gives us, "our own time" or whatever you want to call it!

Anyways here are my goals from last week and my next weeks goals! 


FantasticallyAverage1. CALL ABOUT FINANCIAL HELP - I called and they said I might be eligible for medicaid since I WAS pregnant!!! Thank you Lord!!

2. DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD / DON'T SPEND MONEY - I obviously had to follow this because you need money to go out to eat or to be able to spend any money!! 

3. WORK OUT 2X - I have an excuse ! I was sick last week. but I'm getting over my cold now, still coughing but

4. TRY A NEW CLASS - of course another fail at this.. but NEXT WEEK

5. GO FISHING - Didn't have time.. is it still fishing season?!?! I hope so!


1. ZUMBA 3X - to be honest my schedule has me off every night this week.. i should be able to do Zumba three times this week! and since I've been gone for over a month, I'm pretty excited!

2. TRY A NEW CLASS - with Joe being gone, i have plenty of time to try a new damn class!

3. GO TANNING - So my awesome BESTEST friend, Kim, gave me a pass for tanning for 100 days free... i have to go tanning at least 3 times.. IF NOT ALL 7! LOL

4. GET MY TIRE FIXED - this is priority for real... but I'm hoping they can even patch the tire, it's a huge ass nail in it.

5. AN RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS - I'll figure out something. i need some good karma right now.


This is what I get for trying to paint my nails at work.. smh 

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