Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Fun! ; {5forFIVE}

 Well Happy Labor Day everyone! 

I just got out of the car after a 12 hour drive! It didn't go as bad as thought it would, actually. and I'm glad! This is a late post but it's better then never, right! =)  Have a great day while ya'll are out enjoying your day off, eating at every cook-out that you can, I'm stuck at work with FOUR check-ins. whooopity do! At least it's time and half.


1. NEW CLASS/ WALKING - Technically I did do this by chasing my kid, I do this every week, but really I didn't get back into my routine and I won't even be able to until next week when I work mornings. 

2. DO A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS - I gave some of Josiah's clothes to a friend in need =) 

FantasticallyAverage3. GET ALL MY BILLS PAID / CALL ABOUT FINANCIAL HELP FOR MEDICAL BILLS - Thank goodness for automatic payments! My insurance would have been cancelled. & I will call next week about that financial I just had too much going on!


5. ENJOY MY WEEKEND IN KENTUCKY - I guess I can say I had fun! I saw my family, old friends, & got my baby cousin drunk LOL I'll have pictures uploading tonight for tomorrow's post!



2. CALL AND RE-SCHEDULE MY DOCTOR APPOINTMENT - I have been procrastinating and forgot that I work at 3 and my appointment is at 4:30. Good job Christin. 

3. DON'T SPEND ANY MONEY - I have been spending money like there is no tomorrow... Esp on fast food, which leads me to my next goal...

4. DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD - I need to stop. I'm gaining back my weight I've worked so hard to lose I the past summer months. It's a shame.

5. TRY A NEW CLASS / YOGA - OK! I'm really going to do it this week! LOL Sunday I work 3-11pm and I think Yoga is in the morning!!!! I can't wait. Maybe I can get a friend to come with me. 

So there ya have it. This week is pretty busy. I have appointment after appointment.... and not enough time. I work every day this week 3-11pm except Friday I'm off.

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