Monday, September 30, 2013

$200 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Welcome to the most amazing Halloween Giveaway!

This giveaway is hosted by Empowered Mommy

A BIG thank you to our lovely co-hosts: Maria's Space

Giveaway Monkey, Powered By Dad and Joys Of Life

Halloween is just around the corner.

 Everyone in the town including the adults, teens and kids are excited and planning something for the day! 

What are your Halloween plans this year? Share your spooky stories with us and get a chance to win $200 Amazon Gift Card Code!

An awesome day made special by winning a fabulous prize this Halloween! 

This giveaway is open World-Wide

Must be 18+ to enter the giveaway

Giveaway dates October 1 to October 31, 2013

Allow the rafflecopter widget to load below and grab your entries now!

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for the publication of this post. All views are 100% my own and may differ to those of your own. The participating blogs are not responsible for the shipment of the prize. A winner will be chosen randomly via and will be contacted via email by Empowered Mommy. For questions, email Empowered Mommy.

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Designer Crush Du Jour: Dion Lee

Sometimes I think the world is balanced, and that qualities of man are divvied up fairly, like you know: 
  • Really Athletic People are Stupid
  • Really Pretty People aren't Talented
  • Really Nerdy People get to be Smart... etc etc

But then guys like this come along... I mean what a man-beauty.

All of these pieces are from his Spring/Summer 2014 collection:

He says he's very inspired by architecture and construction. That is obviously evident.
It's almost like he is using the female for as another medium to build on when constructing these pieces. I love the top on the Right above, you can see the swoops and topography, it's really beautiful.
See the detail and the flow? I am so curious of how that would feel on!

 Mr. Lee says he loves contrast, which you can see here. The *Dead Seckzy* of the cut of the bodice of this dress is so different than the ethereal material that it's made out of.

 I love all of these Looks so much. But I wonder... With the very specific folds and tucks needing to go on purposeful anatomical landmarks, how does this work for production? I just think of myself and how every dress I have I need to belt about an acre south of where the waist was stitched. :-(

 There are really gorgeous though, I love how the dresses are cut close and show off the body beautifully without being garish.

 This jacket is so GORGEOUS!! I would wear that in a hot second. I really am going to seek out his designs to try on, I'd love to see how they feel on the body.

 omg, this skirt above is so awesome. it reminds me of the old CAD from drafting class in high school. I want to wear that thing EVERY DAMN DAY. I wonder if the orange is a different fabric applique?

The LEATHER!!! Slap My Face!! I wonder if I could stuff my jugs into this! This is such a knockout piece. I could see my favie Giovanna Battaglia...
 rocking these looks! AHHHHHH I LOVE!!

Kerry Washington Best Dress At Emmy's

Washington looked completely radiant at the 2013 Emmy's. Click on the link to get the look.


Happy Monday!!

I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing weekend. I know I'm covering the Emmy's late but I have to say best dress goes to Ms. Kerry  Washington. From head to toe Washington just blew me away. If I'm not mistaken Washington said that she was a late bloomer to fashion. It wasn't until she went to the library and studied the history of fashion until she finally "got it." Well Ms. Washington J.O.B well done. What are you thoughts? Are there any fashion late bloomers in the house?

"beauty is a lifestyle"

5 for FIVE

Morning everyone! 


FantasticallyAverage1. ZUMBA 3X - I went twice & last night when I tried to go, Josiah was not havin it! 

2. TRY A NEW CLASS - I didn't even think about a new class.. 

3. GO TANNING - I went tanning, once. smh lol I'll make it at least twice next week. 












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Sunday, September 29, 2013

$100 Victoria's Secret Gift Card Giveaway!

Welcome to the $100 Victoria's Secret Gift Card Giveaway!


This giveaway is brought to you by Empowered Mommy

Co-hosted by:


Thank you to all our wonderful co-hosts' for helping us making this giveaway one great event!

One lucky winner will win a $100 Gift Card to shop at their favorite online store Victoria's Secret! Who doesn't love Victoria's Secret?

So girls, this is your time to get a chance and win $100 worth of shopping at your favorite store. Get ready for pink giveaway, it is here now. Grab your entries now!

This giveaway is open World-Wide. Entrants must be 18+ to enter the giveaway.

Giveaway dates: September 30 to October 31, 2013


Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for the publication of this post. All views are 100% my own and may differ to those of your own. The participating blogs are not responsible for the shipment of the prize. The host of the giveaway Empowered Mommy will choose a winner randomly at the end of the winner and the winner be notified via email.  For questions, email Empowered Mommy.

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My week and outfit 25.09.13

One week over once more. It's been hectic I must say. I stopped by at home for a few days also to work, and well, tried to study while at it. The week has involved a lot of school work, work and working out, but I've also tried to get some me-time by getting a massage that my muscles really needed. The weather suddenly got really cold so running outside doesn't sound so much fun anymore, but as they've promised now the fall should be warmer after all so maybe I will get to run after all. Do you guys like running throughout the winter? I tend to like comfortable and running outside when snowing for example doesn't sound so tempting so I take the working out inside. This week I've also gone to a couple of BodyPump classes, that I haven't done in like a month but it was different and fun, and today I went back to another love of mine, BodyCombat and I feel great.

So this weekend sure hasn't been lazy even if I was so exhausted after my exam on Saturday (only slept for two hours before that). I spent parts of the day just sleeping. I had planned to hit the gym a bit later in the day after lunch and a little nap but as I was chatting with my friend I realized that the class was starting in 10min so what to do? A very quick wardrobe change, grabbing the shoes and the water bottle and running to the gym. Well it was a nice warm-up. I also took a look at a new Finnish show called Dancing On Ice, which intrigues me since I used to compete in figure skating (singles though). Of course after all this time jumps scare me a bit but doing basic stuff have not gone forgotten. For many people even skating backwards might seem hard. My dream has been to be able to skate up high in Paris at the Eiffel Tower and in New York Central Park at Christmas. What do you guys like for winter sports? 

Taas on yksi viikko takana. On ollut aika menevää täytyy sanoa. Tuli käytyä myös kotona muutama päivä ja töitä tehden ja no, yritin samalla opiskella myös. Viikko on sisältänyt paljon koulutöitä, töitä ja treenaamista, mutta olen myös onnistunut löytämään aikaa itselleni käymällä esimerkiksi hierojalla, lihakseni olivat todella sen tarpeessa. Sää muuttui äkillisesti erittäin kylmäksi joten ulkona juokseminen ei kuulosta niin hauskalta enää, mutta lehdessä luvattiin että syksystä tulisi lämpimämpi joten ehkä pääsen kuitenkin juoksemaan. Tykkäättekö te juosta läpi talven? Olen itse yleensä niin mukavuudenhaluinen ja ulkona juokseminen lumisateessa esimerkiksi ei kuulosta järin houkuttelevalta, joten vien treenit sisätiloihin. Tällä viikolla olen myös käynyt parilla BodyPump tunnilla, viime kerrasta onkin jo kuukausi aikaa. Se oli kuitenkin erilaista ja hauskaa, ja tänään palasin toisen rakkauteni luo, olin nimittäin BodyCombat tunnilla ja olo on mitä mahtavin.

Tämä viikonloppu ei siis todellakaan ole ollut laiska vaikka tentin jälkeen olinkin uupunut lauantaina (nukuin ennen tenttiä vain kaksi tuntia). Osa päivästä kului nukkuen. Olin suunnitellut suuntaavani salille hieman myöhemmin lounaan ja pienten unien jälkeen, mutta jutellessani ystävän kanssa huomasin että tunti alkaakin jo 10min kuluttua, joten mikä avuksi? Erittäin nopea vaatteiden vaihto, kengät ja juomapullo käteen ja pikaspurtti salille. Toimi hyvänä lämmittelynä. Katsastin myös uuden kotimaisen viihdeohjelman Dancing On Ice. Se kiehtoo minua sillä olen joskus kilpaillut taitoluistelussa (yksin tosin). Tietenkin kaiken tämän jälkeen hypyt pelottavat hieman, mutta perusjutut ovat vielä muistissa. Monille jopa takaperin luistelu tuottaa päänvaivaa. Toiveeni on ollut jo pitkään päästä luistelemaan korkealle Pariisin Eiffel-torniin sekä New Yorkin Central Parkiin jouluna. Millaisista talvilajeista te pidätte?

                                        Shirt: Vero Moda
                                        Pants: Esprit
                                        Jacket: Moncler
                                        Scarf: Gucci
                                        Shoes: JB Martin
                                        Bag: Chanel
                                        Necklace: Lapponia 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Social Sunday

Linking up today with Neely and Ashley for Social Sunday!

Sunday Social

1. What is your dream job?  

Right now, I'd probably say a SAHM LOL

2. If you had just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time? 

 I would....visit all my family for weeks at a time..have to have a seasonal job. I can't just not have a job, I'd get tired of it...start my own business as a matter of fact!

3. What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?

Well I work in the hospitality field. (Front Desk) I wouldn't say that it's the one I would have chosen for myself.. but I'd tell them to be nice, and kepp your mind open for growth. 

4. What would be your ideal "just for fun" job?

 I would probably say something like a nail tech, or making home-made things and selling them! I love making things even it is a fail. & apparently I suck at selling on my blog. let's hope I am better at selling my hotel!

5. What was your first "real" job? 

Arby's! I don't know if that's a "real" job, but yeah, that was when I was 16! 

Let's Get Social Sunday

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Elle fashion escape

The annual Elle Accessories ;)

Friday, September 27, 2013

DIY Coffee Creamer

I really wish I would have known this earlier! I don't remember where I got them exactly, but I'll share the one I made and use on a regular now!! 


14oz sweetened condensed milk
cup milk or cream (whole, lowfat, skim, almond, soy, heavy cream,
half & half etc)

*Hazelnut Creamer*

2 teaspoons hazelnut extract

Mix the ingredients together well. Add
them to an old (washed) creamer container. 



How easy was that?! All simple ingredients that we all probably have in our homes and never have to waste money on creamer again!   

Here are some others that I found interesting, some of these you will need to heat up. Anything
that has a dry or thick ingredient (like cinnamon, honey, etc..) should
be heated up with a small amount of your milk/cream from the base recipe
so it can dissolve properly. You don’t want grainy creamer! Then, add
the rest of the milk/cream along with the sweetened condensed milk.

Irish Cream creamer (you'll need to heat this one up)

2 tablespoons chocolate syrup

1 teaspoon instant coffee
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract

(along with the can of condensed milk & 1 3/4 cream)

Cinnamon Cake creamer (you'll need to heat this one up)
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

French Vanilla Creamer
2 teaspoons vanilla extract OR vanilla coffee syrup

What's your favorite creamer?? Mine is hazelnut, obviously!!


Ends SOON!

Linking up today with ;

I wore yoga pants

Anything NOTORIOUS B.I.G.!


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Cheek - concert and after party

I had been waiting for Saturday for a really long time. I had bought the tickets in the spring while I was still in Nice and the day had finally arrived, the big Helsinki ice hall concert by Cheek. The concert on Saturday started almost half an hour late but the DJ was making everyone feel good while waiting so we had no worries. And then finally it was time to start the show...
The video clip starts rolling, a helicopter lands and out comes Jare "Cheek" Tiihonen looking as swag as ever in that black leather jacket and those black sunglasses, not to forget his white sneakers, and stepping into the sports car. He grabs his LV portfolio with his mike and meets up with his crew and they start approaching the stage. He asks, if there's a good mood in the house since he can't hear anything, and the next thing you know he's on stage and the crowd goes wild. He opens up the show with my favorite Cheek song so far, Timantit On Ikuisia (Diamonds Are Forever). The white curtain falls down and reveals the rest of the band. After the crowd quiets down for a while he yells what's up Helsinki! And the crowd responds. This is an evening including all the most important bits of his career. He then continues with his first single he released after getting a record deal with Sony Music, Raplaulajan Vapaapäivä (The day off of a rap artist), which was one of the most played songs in Finland during the summer of 2004. That was almost 10 years ago, and today Cheek is the most well-known artist in the country.

Olin odottanut lauantaita todella kauan. Olin ostanut liput jo keväällä ollessani Nizzassa ja viimein oli koittanut se päivä, Cheekin jäähallikeikka Helsingissä. Lauantain keikka alkoi lähes puoli tuntia myöhässä, mutta DJ piti kaikkien mielen korkealla joten odottelu ei haitannut. Ja sitten oli viimeinkin aika aloittaa show...

Videoklippi lähtee pyörimään ja helikopteri laskeutuu maahan, sieltä ulos astuu Jare "Cheek" Tiihonen tyylikkäämpänä kuin koskaan mustine nahkatakkeineen ja aurinkolaseineen, unohtamatta valkoisia tennareita, ja astuu urheiluautoon. Hän nappaa LV salkkunsa jossa mikki on, ja tapaa jenginsä ja porukka lähtee astelemaan kohti lavaa. Cheek kysyy: "Mitä luulette, onks siel tunnelmaa? Ei kuulu mitään!" ja eipä aikaakaan kun hän on jo lavalla ja yleisö villiintyy. Timantit On Ikuisia pamahtaa soimaan, joka on tällä hetkellä minun lempi Cheek-biisini. Valkoinen verho tipahtaa alas ja paljastaa muun bändin. Kun yleisö on hetken hiljentynyt hän huutaa "Helsinki mikä tunnelma tänään?" Ja yleisö vastaa. Tämä ilta on Cheekin uran kannalta se kaikkein tärkein, koko ura yhdessä illassa. Show jatkuu biisillä Raplaulajan Vapaapäivä, joka on hänen ensimmäinen sinkkunsa joka on julkaistu Sony Musicin kanssa tehdyn levytyssopimuksen jälkeen. Raplaulajan Vapaapäivä oli yksi kesän 2004 soitetuimpia biisejä Suomessa. Siitä on lähes 10 vuotta aikaa, ja tänä päivänä Cheek nähdään tämän hetken tunnetuimpana artistina Suomessa. 

       Photo by: YleX

                              Photo by: Iltasanomat 

                                          Photo by: Iltalehti 

The show goes through the best parts of his career with massive pyrotechnics, making sure no one gets left out cold. While moving on with the show he tells his story about his music career, what happened next, how he felt when that happened, not forgetting to thank the people who have made this possible for him today. And of course, adding some of his humour in between. Very few Finnish artists can get the crowd going so wild that they're gonna keep on singing for an entire two-hour long show, only this man can do it. The show includes a lot of featuring artists including Sami Saari, Jari Sillanpää, Kaija Koo and of course the Rähinä Records rapper friends of his, not to forget his performance of Anna Mä Meen with Jonne Aaron or the very touching performance of Syypää Sun Hymyyn (Reason to Your Smile) with the extremely talented Yasmine Yamajako. From his newer production (which I'm very fond of already), the record released a day before the concert, the dashing Diandra comes on stage to perform their new song together, and the hall is on fire! :D Another favorite of mine is the song after which the new album is named, Kuka Muu Muka (Who Else Then). As the final track was heard Timantit On Ikuisia once again, this time with a keyboard and diamond glitter was raining all over. It was the perfect ending for the perfect concert.

Showssa käydään läpi Cheekin uran parhaita paloja, ja massiivinen pyrotekniikka takaa sen, että ketään ei jätetä kylmäksi. Mennessään showssa eteenpäin hän kertoo tarinaa musiikkiurastaan, mitä tapahtui seuraavaksi, miltä hänestä tuntui silloin, unohtamatta kiittää kaikkia niitä ihmisiä jotka ovat mahdollistaneet hänelle tämän illan. Ja tietenkin sitä huumoria mahtuu myös väliin. Harvan suomalaisen artistin keikoilla on yleisö niin fiiliksillä mukana laulamassa kokonaiset kaksi tuntia putkeen, mutta tämä herra vain pystyy siihen. Showssa oli mukana paljon vierailevia artisteja mukaan lukien Sami Saari, Jari Sillanpää, Kaija Koo ja tietenkin Rähinä Recordsin pojat, unohtamatta esityksiä kuten Anna Mä Meen Jonne Aaronin kanssa, tai koskettavaa Syypää Sun Hymyyn erittäin lahjakkaan Yasmine Yamajakon kanssa. Illan aikana saatiin kuulla myös uutta tuotantoa päivää ennen ilmestyneeltä albumilta, kun hurmaava Diandra saapuu lavalle esittämään yhdessä Cheekin kanssa uuden biisin nimeltä Fiiliksissä, ja halli on tulessa! :D Toinen uusi suosikkini on kappale jonka mukaan levy on nimetty, Kuka Muu Muka. Shown loppuun kuultiin vielä Timantit On Ikuisia uudestaan, kosketinsoittimien säestämänä ja timanttihilettä sateli. Täydellinen loppu täydelliselle keikalle.

All and all I can say that this was a world class show and the positive feedback that the artist has gotten in the media is amazing. The next question is how can you do better than this within Finland? The newly released album has already sold double platinum. Guess we have to wait and find out. I wanna thank Jare and everyone who made this fantastic show possible. You are on fire, keep up the good work!

Kaiken kaikkiaan voin sanoa että tämä oli maailmanluokan show ja se positiivinen palaute jota artisti on mediassa saanut on huima. Seuraava kysymys on kai miten tästä voi enää parantaa Suomen rajojen sisällä? Levykin on jo viikonlopun aikana myynyt tuplaplatinaa, ei voi muuta sanoa kuin että mies on uransa huipulla, jatka samaan malliin! Kiitos Jarelle ja kaikille jotka mahdollistitte tämän fantastisen shown. 

Then it was time to continue the night at the official after party. Everyone was there, more artists and Finnish celebrities, friends and other people to celebrate this successful night. I also ran into people I know from way back. People were enjoying themselves, dancing to the music the DJ was playing and the drinks were flowing (Moët for me). We also had a few artists performing like Jutty Ranx and Mikael Gabriel. And before going home we happened to run into the artist himself, right before he drove off in his BMW, making the night extra special. Thanks again!

Sitten olikin aika lähteä virallisille jatkoille. Kaikki olivat siellä, lisää artisteja ja suomalaisia julkimoita, ystäviä ja muita ihmisiä juhlistamassa tätä menestyksekästä iltaa. Törmäsin myös tuttuihin. Ihmiset nauttivat olostaan, tanssivat DJn soittaman musiikin tahtiin, ja juomaa kului (minulla Moëta). Luvassa oli myös muutama yllätysvieras, kuten Jutty Ranx ja Mikael Gabriel. Ennen kotiinlähtöä törmäsimme vielä artistiin itse, ennen kuin hän hurisutti pois BMWllään, ja sehän tietysti kruunasi illan. Kiitos vielä kerran!

Moët, yes please! ;)

Cheers girls!

Two blonde babes

Smile girls

Jutty Ranx

Mikael Gabriel

MG feat. Diandra