School, life, work and running a business can be challenging for anyone. We live in a fast paced society where communication is tied into computers and cell phones but when is enough a enough? When do you have the time to take a break and breath through out your day and really reflect? I personally have traveled to England and tea time is taken seriously. The English have lunch then after noon a 30 minute break for tea with milk. Even though we live in America its amazing that England was this pastime during the work week.
For myself meditating before I go to bed is a necessity. I turn off the lights and light one candle while in the dark. I don't this every night but at aleast 3 times weekly. I also pray every morning before I get out of bed. This may not be much but these are simple ways I keep my sanity through out the week and school year. How do you take your break from society. So that's it for this post. Have a great day!
"beauty is a lifestyle"
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