Happy Tuesday!
As you guys notice I like to begin every post with "Happy Tuesday" because I feel that its important for people to start of our moring reading and hearing positive news. There was a life coach who said that the wealthiest people in the world usally begin their day not by reaching for the remote to watch the news but with positive affirmation or reading a positive story. I pondered on this concept for a second and it makes perfect sense.Yes its important to be aware of our environment but its also important to see positive stories which the news usually doesn't report. I feel like we are bombarded with "bad news" daily. We can't change the news however we can control what we hear and give our attention too. So lets give our attention to affirming positivity into our mornings. Whether its prayer or affirmations words have power and on a personal note, I've notice that when I pray in the morning my day goes smoother. Here are three powerful morning affirmations that I like to say in the morning from Creative Affirmations by Danea Horn:
I enter today with an open mind and a calm presence.
Today is filled with opportunity. Everywhere I look I see it, and I trust my intuition to follow where it leads.
Today I will trust divine guidance to head my actions knowing that I will be brought to joy & prosperity.
If you begin your day with prayer or powerful affirmations lets share your thoughts. Another than this be safe and have a great day!!
"beauty is a lifestyle"
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