Happy Friday!!
Give your metabolism a boast with fat burring foods. Maintaining or losing weight doesn't have to be a drag. These tasty foods are not only good for you but when consumed with a clean diet they can help shed the extra lbs.

I believe I've mention this before but I love me some kale! KALE, KALE and more KALE!!! Inadditon to being the most nutrient dense food on the plane kale helps to suppress the appetite and detoxifies the body. Did you know that when your body is clean you have no cravings for sugar or fried food?
Get creative when preparing kale. Kale salads served with purple onions, lemon juice and with sea salt and pepper is delicious.

Avocados have been given such a bad name but did you know it a triple fat burner?
Prepare avocado with sea salt and tomato's for breakfast in the morning.

Wild Salmon
I love anything smoked. Smoked fish especially salmon is another favorite of mine. Smoke salmon can help you get ride of belly fat if you eat it regularly. That's because its loaded with omega 3 which helps to improve insulin sensitivity and help reduce belly fat. I personally like to get my salmon from Costco.
A classic way to prepare smoke salmon is with mustard and dill.

Oysters help save the day when your losing weight. Very tasty these babies are 50 calories for 6 oysters. They have the highest concentration of zinc and which helps decrease appetite and pms cravings.
These tasty food should be added to your diet to help maintain or lose weight.
Ben Afflect The Next Batman?

News just broke the daredevil star with play the cap crusader in the next installment of the Batman series. I think this is an excellent match and I'll be looking forward to this one. I've always liked Ben Afflect and thought of him as quite handsome. He seems like a really cool guy and his wife Jennifer Garner apprears to be approachable and just as humble. Anyway I like the Affelcts and think they make a good couple. Do you guys think Ben Afflect will make a good Batman?
That's it for this post enjoy your weekend!!
"beauty is a lifestyle"
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