Being a full time mom, employee, friend, girlfriend, and daughter it's real hard for me to watch t.v. like I want to. It also doesn't help that I think I might have {A.D.D.} and can't sit still, EVER.
I like to record my shows and late at night when I can't sleep I watch them. Right now I have CSI: Miami Law & Order: SVU, Bad girls club, Love and hip hop, blah blah blah the list goes on. What I really can't wait for a Revenge and Law & Order SVU. I love these types of shows and everything in the limits of this I will watch! Now I like Teen mom and all that but I can never keep up with soooo many of the shows.
My returning shows ;

Revenge (ABC)
Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 29 at 9/8c
First and Foremost! I cannot wait til this show airs. It kills me every time they leave! ahhhh She was just telling Jack that she is Amanda!

The Carrie Diaries (The CW)
Premieres: Friday, Oct. 25 at 8/7c
Yes I watch this! LOL

Criminal Minds (CBS)
Premieres: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9/8c

Premieres: Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 10/9c

Law & Order: SVU (NBC)
Premieres: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9/8 Central
Didn't even know! I can't wait!

The Mentalist (CBS)
Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 29 at 10/9c
Never really watched all of the shows, but the ones I had recorded were good!

Premieres: Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 8/7c
Maybe new series to watch? Keeping them all in mind! ;

Cold Justice (TNT)
Premieres: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 10/9c
They say this show is going to be like Law & Order & Cold Case. MUST SEE!

Junior Masterchef (Fox)
Premieres: Friday, Sept. 27, 8/7c
This should be interesting!!
who knows I might even watch some of the others including Reign, The Trophy Wife, Lucky 7 and many more. Or at least DVR them!
Which are your favorite shows? Any new ones your looking forward to seeing?
Credit to for pictures and information!
I'm also linking up with everyone for Friday link ups! Check em out~
What Jean Likes - Aloha Friday Blog hop
Oh So Amelia - Friday Chaos Blog Hop
The Pink Momma - Fun Friday Blog Hop

50 cent - in the club
Yes this was my pick a few weeks ago {or maybe it wasn't LOL} but since I'm in Tennessee for yet another mini trip, I'm going to party for my birthday that was 2 weeks ago!

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