Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bright Hair, Neutral Clothes

I'm getting used to the purple hair, I'm even starting to like it. But a funny side effect has been that I really want to wear neutral/Navy Blue clothes with it and nothing else. 

Navy zebra top and skinnies...

I tried on this Royal Blue crop and cute skirt...

And also, this shirtdress made from oxford shirting material.

I think it's that the hair is making such a statement, that the color in clothing doesn't have to. I look through my closet and I just don't go for the brightly printed things like I used to.

It's just an interesting thing.

My outfit 30.08.13

Friday was a sunny day but yet a bit chilly. I was working a little and had to run some errands in town. A few pic of the outfit.
Perjantai oli aurinkoinen, mutta hieman viileä. Olin töissä jonkin aikaa, jonka jälkeen lähdin kaupungille hoitamaan asioita. Tällaista asua sattui päälle.

                                      Shirt: Mango
                                      Jeans: Levi's
                                      Sunglasses: Chanel
                                      Wallet: LV

Friday, August 30, 2013

Make a wish

As you might've noticed I've been trying to renew and update my blog a bit. It's nice that so many new readers have discovered my blog and I hope and wish that you would comment more, I will gladly answer. Also if there is anything you want to know about me or things you wish me to post about, please send me a message, a comment in the comment box or on Facebook. Remember to also like my page on Facebook! Hope you all enjoy your weekend, I'm preparing myself for the Midnight Run tomorrow. Anyone else running?

Olette ehkä huomanneet, että olen hieman yrittänyt uudistaa ja päivittää blogiani nyt kun on ollut hieman enemmän aikaa. Mukavaa että on tullut uusia lukijoita niin paljon ja toivon, että kommentoisitte enemmän, vastaan kyllä mielelläni. Jos haluatte kysyä minulta mitä tahansa tai toivoa postauksia lähettäkää minulle viestiä täällä tai Facebookissa tai kommentoikaa. Muistakaa myös käydä tykkäämässä Facebook sivustani! Toivottavasti nautitte tulevasta viikonlopusta, omani alkaa valmistautumalla huomiseen Midnight Runiin. Kukaan muu juoksemassa? Ehkä nähdään siellä! :) 

Ciara's VMA Fashion & Focaccia with Caramelized Onion Tomato & Rosemary Pizza

Happy Friday!

Today is going to be a very relaxed fashiony and foody post. R&B singer Ciara gave an exclusive to about her prep time before the VMA's. Ciara is one of the most beautiful singers to hit the scene. Her completion is flawless and I love her high cheek  bones and almond shape eyes. She wore a beautiful sheer Givenchy sequin gown to the awards show and with a 5'10 frame she can get away with anything. Looks like Jessica Biel wasn't the only one with the sheer look. Click on the link  for the article and low down on Ciara's fashion and beauty routine!!


Hey who doesn't love pizza? In my opion pizza is the perfect food to en your week with this Focaccia with Caramelized Onion, Tomato & Rosemary was posted on

                                                 Focaccia with Caramelized Onions, Tomatoes & Rosemary Recipe

Prep Time: 2 hours, 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 2 hours, 40 minutes

Yield: Serves 8

Serving Size: 1 piece

In a medium bowl, stir together yeast, warm water, and honey. Let rest until yeast blooms and bubbles form on top, about 10 minutes.
Stir in flour, 1/4 cup olive oil and 1 teaspoon kosher salt. Turn the dough onto a well-floured surface and knead until dough is smooth, 5 to 10 minutes.
Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap, and let rest in a warm place until dough doubles in size, about 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
Remove dough from bowl and press it into a lightly oiled 9- by 13-inch baking sheet until it touches the edges. Using your finger, poke holes all over the dough. Drizzle the dough with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Let rest until the dough becomes puffy, about 20 minutes.
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large skillet set over medium heat. Add onion slices, cover and cook until onion is golden brown, stirring occasionally, about 20 minutes.
Top the dough with tomato slices, caramelized onions, rosemary, Parmesan cheese, and salt. Drizzle with remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil.
Bake until the focaccia is golden brown, about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool on a rack. Cut into pieces and serve.

Making pizza by hand is so rewarding and great to do with kids and friends. Enjoy your weekend! 

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Marc Jacobs for Coca Cola Light Campaign

This spring Marc Jacobs designed special bottles for Coca Cola light for their campaign. The bottles were first introduced in London in March. The idea with the themes was to bring forth the three decades when Coca Cola light has been available for women, during the 80s, 90s and 00s. The different graphic designs celebrate the 30th anniversary of Coca Cola light. Unfortunately only two of these are available to buy in Finland. The main event at Stockmann Helsinki, the bottles sold at ALL Stockmann department stores August 29 - September 8.  It really is a collector's item and you almost don't want to open it. Which one is your favorite? Life tastes good!

Tänä keväänä Marc Jacobs suunnitteli erikoispulloja Coca Cola lightin kampanjaan. Pullot julkistettiin Lontoossa maaliskuussa. Kampanjan tarkoitus on juhlistaa Coca Cola lightin 30-vuotisjuhlavuotta, ja niitä kolmea vuosikymmentä jolloin maailman suosituin kevytvirvoitusjuoma on ollut tarjolla naisille, eli 80-90-ja 00-luvuilla. Valitettavasti näistä uniikeista graafisista kuvioista vain kahta on mahdollisuus ostaa Suomessa. Se on tosiaankin keräilytuote eikä sitä millään raaskisi avata. Mikä on suosikkisi? Päätapahtuma Helsingin Keskustan Stockmannilla, pullot myynnissä kaikissa Stockmann tavarataloissa 29.8.-8.9.

80s, 90s and 00s

Marc Jacobs joins Coca Cola with other big designers, such as Jean Paul Gaultier and Roberto Cavalli. What can be said; mix Marc Jacobs and Coca Cola light and you will definitely get sparkling design. Cheers! 

Marc Jacobs seuraa muiden suurten suunnittelijoiden jalanjäljissä; esimerkiksi Jean Paul Gaultier ja Roberto Cavalli ovat suunnitelleet Coca Colalle. Mitä muuta tässä voi sanoa kuin että Marc Jacobsin ja Coca Cola lightin yhdistämällä saadaan ehdottomasti kuplivaa designia. Kippis!

My favorite, the 90s was not available

This video is a must see!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fall TV Shows

Fall {Autumn} is approaching fast! Even the weather is changing with a blink of an eye here in Virginia. Well that's normal but anyways lol

Being a full time mom, employee, friend, girlfriend, and daughter it's real hard for me to watch t.v. like I want to. It also doesn't help that I think I might have {A.D.D.} and can't sit still, EVER.

I like to record my shows and late at night when I can't sleep I watch them. Right now I have CSI: Miami Law & Order: SVU, Bad girls club, Love and hip hop, blah blah blah the list goes on. What I really can't wait for a Revenge and Law & Order SVU. I love these types of shows and everything in the limits of this I will watch! Now I like Teen mom and all that but I can never keep up with soooo many of the shows.

My returning shows ;

Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off

 Revenge (ABC)

Sunday, Sept. 29 at 9/8c 

 First and Foremost! I cannot wait til this show airs. It kills me every time they leave! ahhhh She was just telling Jack that she is Amanda!

 Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off

The Carrie Diaries (The CW)

Friday, Oct. 25 at 8/7c

Yes I watch this! LOL 

 Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off

Criminal Minds (CBS)

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9/8c

Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off


Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 10/9c

 Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off

Law & Order: SVU (NBC)

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9/8 Central

Didn't even know! I can't wait! 

Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off

The Mentalist (CBS)

Sunday, Sept. 29 at 10/9c

Never really watched all of the shows, but the ones I had recorded were good! 

 Photo Gallery: Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off


Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 8/7c

Maybe new series to watch? Keeping them all in mind! ;

Photo Gallery: Fall TV 2013: Must-Watch New Shows

Cold Justice (TNT)

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 10/9c

They say this show is going to be like Law & Order & Cold Case. MUST SEE!

Photo Gallery: Fall TV 2013: Must-Watch New Shows

Junior Masterchef (Fox)

Friday, Sept. 27, 8/7c

This should be interesting!! 

who knows I might even watch some of the others including Reign, The Trophy Wife, Lucky 7 and many more. Or at least DVR them!

Which are your favorite shows? Any new ones your looking forward to seeing?

Credit to for pictures and information! 

I'm also linking up with everyone for Friday link ups! Check em out~ 

What Jean Likes - Aloha Friday Blog hop

Oh So Amelia - Friday Chaos Blog Hop

The Pink Momma - Fun Friday Blog Hop 


50 cent - in the club

Yes this was my pick a few weeks ago {or maybe it wasn't LOL} but since I'm in Tennessee for yet another mini trip, I'm going to party for my birthday that was 2 weeks ago! 

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Green Tea Bath to Detox Your Body


Happy Thursday!

I came across this idea from Amanda Dixson who's a follower of on Twitter. This herbal green tea bath idea she like on pinterest and was originally posted on MakeoverMcki blog. All it requires is herbal detox and green tea from your local organic store. Run your bath water and drop about 5-10 bags of both green tea and the detox. This is going to detox your body while giving it plenty of minerals. Sounds like a winner! Thanks Amanda!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My outfit 27.08.13

Tuesday was time for a little visit to Helsinki. I don't work full days anymore and school starts soon and I like to drive so why not a little evening trip. Some spontaneous shopping, dinner and taking it easy.
Tiistaina tuli taas vaihteeksi piipahdettua Helsingissä. En enää tee täyttä työpäivää ja koulu alkaa pian. Tykkään autolla ajamisesta joten pieni iltareissu ei ollut ollenkaan pahitteeksi. Vähän spontaania shoppailua, illastamista ja sen sellaista.

                      Top: H&M
                      Blazer: Ralph Lauren
                      Jeans: Levi's
                      Bag: Gucci
                      Sunglasses: LV
                      Bracelet: Thomas Sabo

Wednesday Inspiration

"Beauty is truth. Truth Beauty-That is all ye kow on earth and all ye need to know".John Keats


Tuesday, August 27, 2013






The last but def not the least // I WILL MAKE THIS!

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Pixie Problems

The other day I needed to touch up my highlights and I thought, "Hmm, lets just do a total head white blonde! That's a GREAT IDEA!!" I mean, look how cute that looks on these girls!!...

 Edgy hipster chick, is just rocking it. Perfection.

 Charlize... The reason I entertained the idea of the pixie in the first place. Love it.

 Random Porn Star... Looks super cute on you.

This (below) is how I feel like it looks on me!!!! No offense Dame Judi Dench.

I think we are having some complexion color issues. I do not think the platinum blonde is flattering on my coloring, just as it was not flattering on Anne Hathaway (below), see how her face is just washed out? The undereye circles are brought out. As are mine.
 See how the rich brown hair color makes her skin just GLOW!!!?? It's such a HUGE difference.

So now I'm thinking... Do I dye my hair brown? I don't know if that's me. Plus, I have no idea how color is going to take now that it's such a pale damaged white. PLUS, I sprayed some of M's pink colored hairspray in it on Sunday! and my entire hair has taken on this cotton candy pink tint. *smh*

So I was thinking of doing a lavender. It would work nicely over/with the pink, and this is pretty much the one time in my life that I can have purple hair, so why not.

Or a rich red? I love how Rihanna mixes up her hair color ALL THE TIME. it's like an accessory to her, and I think that's so good.

What do you think I should do?

National Dog Day & Jessica Biels Revealing VMA After Party Dress


Happy Tuesday!

Today is National Dog Day!!.National Dog Day was started in 2004. For all us pet lovers and dog owners this is a day to spread national awareness to the overcrowding animal shelters and our furry friends who need good homes. In case you missed an old post I did about dreams boards, my mother and I wanted to adopt a dog named Fufu. Making a long story short we put in an application for Fufu when we discovered the apartment were lived doesn't accept pets. I was disappointed. I made a dream aboard after I watched Oprah and I put a dog on there that resembled Fufu. One year later we adopted Harley our shih poo. So if you live in dc, head to the Washington Humane Society or, if your interested in adopting.

                                               jessica biel
Meanwhile over in fashion news Jessica Biel showed in a see through lace dress to meet her husband Justin Timberlake at the VMA's after party held in NYC. I actually don't think she's revealing much. What do you think? Have a great day!!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

What I did this weekend!

Hey everyone! I think I'm back to a great start! hehe

This weekend was very busy but chill to say the least.

Joe recently got a ticket for speeding so we had to take a trip to Lexington, VA to go to court. It's about four hours away so I decided to get a room for the night and make a trip out of it! It was a great experience... and a lesson learned... to never visit that area again. LOL They didn't even have a movie theater. We made the best of it by eating dinner, going into the jacuzzi at the hotel and watching some movies. 

Skyping with my baby 

 Our view from the hotel 

On our way home we stopped at a viewing site 

 BTW there was this movie that we got from the redbox that was awesome! It's called Trance. I also got a few codes to get a movie free for the night in the redbox. try them out !

Soooo Then we came home the next day, picked up my baby

We went to my cousins house to go fishing. Josiah had already been to their pier but hadn't been fishing. Earlier this month my mom bought him a fishing pole. A cheap one that doesn't work at all but he was fine pretending he knew what he was doing !

 It was hectic trying to fish wit three kids on that little pier so I decided to not fish that night =(  hopefully soon though I can get a date in with Joe. I haven't been fishing in so long!

Because I missed two days the week before I told my boss to add my week paid vacation to this check. I didn't want to be over taxed so I decided to take Saturday off too. I didn't do much but go to the beach with my baby and some family...

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