Sunday, June 23, 2013

Get Dewy Summer Skin With Herbs


Happy Sunday!!

Here is a list of a few herbs that's said to help get your skin dewy and glows for summer.

Calendula is anti-septic, heals the skin and provides a soothing effect on skin.

Chamomile is said to help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and reduce puffiness. TO get the benefits of chamomile use chamomile tea on your skin.

Lavender Most people only think lavender is used for relaxing however, lavender is used for healing, prevention of wrinkles and is anti-septic. Its acts as a gentle cleanser to your skin. 

 Witch Hazel You guys remember the other post I did about witch hazel. Millions of folks swear by witch hazel to fight against acne, reduce pores, tighten skin, and clean our skin with out making it dry. Get yourselves a bottle of witch hazel today if you don't have it!!

Aloe Vera is pack with vitamins E and C. It's also known to help heal the skin, moisturize and hydrating properties.

Let me know if you try any of these herbs! Have a great day.

"beauty is a lifestyle"

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