Saturday, June 1, 2013

Capri my love

Instead of spending a night or two at Capri like we originally planned we took a day trip there on Monday. Our suite was in Sorrento and from there Capri is only about half an hour ferry ride away.

You wanna know why I've wanted to Capri so much? There was an Italian tv show called Capri I used to watch with my mum and we were always admiring the view and the music on the show made it even more perfect so I told her I must get there one day and finally I did!

When we arrived to Marina Grande we were surrounded by tourists. We took a little look at the shops around in the harbor and bought tickets for a boat tour around the island. I thought it would've been a tour for the Grotta Azurra (blue grotto) but instead it went around the entire island, which was beautiful also. We saw some other grottos on the way, the oldest lighthouse around and Armani's house.

The lighthouse

After the boat tour we climbed up to the center. It was a bunch of stairs before we reached it. The views everywhere from the island are amazing. This is a place I will definitely return to, I recommend it for everyone. We finally found Jessie and grabbed a quick bite at La Piazzetta, the main square. We continued exploring the island before returning to the harbor to catch the ferry, Jessie was gonna come with us to Sorrento. 

Lunch at La Piazzetta

Waiting for the ferry

We just left but my heart already wants back! What do you guys think about the view? Pretty amazing isn't it? ;)

This is the theme song from Capri. Imagine this together with the view. Just stunning!

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