Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Eye-Candy Tuesday: Sexy Men with and without chest hair

omg. This sweater is made from Human Male Chest Hair. I kid you not. 

It's kind of hilarious that the guy that's wearing has no visible chest hair.

Which sparks the debate that is as old as time: Are you PRO Chest Hair or CON Chest Hair?

I personally like my men on the sassy side, a bit natural and a smidge removed from being in a loin-cloth hanging from vines, hence Stonewash.

Also on the PRO side are:

Magnum P.I.

& Wolverine

I think they provide a strong arguement. Both exude MAYJOR manliness, and animal appeal.

For the CON side we have:


& Marky Mark

Gosh this is a difficult decision... I better look at these photos again and again and again... WHO AM I KIDDING!! EVERYONE WINS!

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