Thursday, September 13, 2012

What to do?

A fish out of water...

Or a person treading water in the roughest sea, just trying to keep her head up, water pushing her this way and that, above all nothing is in control.
Directionless, yes. Unless my direction is whatever way the tide takes me. I guess that's some sort of movement, but not exactly what makes me comfortable.
99.9% of the time, I am the one telling all those around me everything is going to be alright, we can take on anything, the world is our oyster. But today, I can't even be that person for myself. Everything is in flux. There is no light ahead, it's just dust and burden, twisting turns that could result in any possible outcome.
Psychosomatic pains are manifesting, lolling my body into a sort of leaden pudding state. I sit here as if i'm under the pressure of heavy water, that I can't move through or alleviate from my body, it's hard to breathe.

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