Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Super Duper Date Night Tiger's Style

What I actually wore to the Tiger's game. I thought the sequined evening gown with the train wouldn't have been comfortable in the 100% humidity. We saw former Tiger, Dave Rozema at the game, who actually approached me complimenting my purple hair. Mr. Rozema is most famously known for trying to **Karate Kick** the Minnesota Twins' John Castino in 1982 (article here) injuring himself so badly whilst kicking that he had to be removed from the field on a stretcher and had surgery the next day. LOL. I so badly wanted a karate kick photo with him, but was too shy to ask.

We also saw Willie Horton who was signing autographs, he is pictured in this statue that I hold in my hand. My hubs wants me to say that he signed an inappropriate part of his body, but I will not say that. hahahha. We had such a good time. It was wonderful. The Tiger's totally won. We had so much fun.

1950s Waitress Dress - Vintage
White Lace T - Express
Necklace - Target (destroyed by my children and then re-put-back-together)
Belt - H&M
Bag - Vintage
Slides - Adidas

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