Sunday, August 19, 2012

Street Style - Caroline - St. Pete's, Florida

In celebration of beautiful athletic women.
Look at these gorgeous, glowing ladies. They completed the Women's Half Marathon in St. Petersburg, FL this year. That's 13.1 miles, son. There's something just so wonderful about this photo, these girls have trained so hard for this race, they look fabulous, and they are happy and healthy and having the time of their lives.
The other day I was watching TV at the gym and was watching 2 or 3 shows about being a strong, empowered woman, One about bullying with Khloe Kardashian, another was the new version of "Hairspray" but during the commercial breaks i saw the same advertisements kind of prodding women to hate themselves saying things about how you're ugly unless you reduce your weight and that you are miserable unless you look a certain way. I've dealt with these issues myself in the past, NO MORE, obviously. But I just think all of us women need to bind together, love ourselves, and have fun with our wonderful bodies, and STOP HATING AND DEGRADING THEM. Love yourself, put your arms around yourself right now. Go out, do something fun, swim, run, dance, celebrate yourself.

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