Thursday, August 16, 2012

Run Like a Cheetah

Oh God Yes, i need these. Are you kidding me.
The only thing is these are the "minimalist" style. I don't know if I can do that. I subscribe to the *as much padding as i can have will make me happy* style of running. i love technology, i think if this can improve on my organic anatomy then i am all for it. My body is 60% cyborg anyways, so i really need all the help i can get. There are so many people that I have talked to about these minimalist running shoes, and even the "Vibram-5 fingers", and they say that wearing a heavy padded running shoe forces your body to *dumb down* the natural perfect running stride that you have as grace of nature. that your foot is designed flawlessly and you should only reinforce that construction, not cover it up and hinder it. I kind of feel the same way about body braces, that a back brace will just make your midsection further weaker.... But I just can't wrap my mind and feet around this minimalist running shoe philosophy.
BTW, you can get these MARVELOUS SHOES at Zappos: Click here.

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