Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27 - Vanessa

The Start of Good Things to Come?
This is an asymmetrical T from JC, at first i thought it would be fun to try as a halter. and the length is almost dress-worthy, if you are on Jersey Shore, but honestly, it's a great tunic length. So I popped the arm hole over my bulbous head, and then i didn't have the rest of my body in it and it was just a mess, and i was a little bit stuck. LOL. Finally after getting it off, I put it on, as prescribed, it's super cute, almost "collegiate". hahahh.
These jeans I purchased in 1998!! hahahhah!!!! They are high waisted, they have that royal blue color that no one does anymore. and they are ringstitched denim, which also, no one does anymore. It's funny, the high waist it kind of coming back, and it also provides a nice silhouette under the tunic top.

Asymmetrical Yellow Top - Gift of JC
1998 Jeans - Express
Sandals - Payless (BOOM)
Art - Left by B.Jac. Right - B.Jac/Me collabo

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