Sunday, December 29, 2013

Style Role-Models for 2014

Staying the same is boring, we must always be evolving. At least that's my goal. 

I was thinking, "How do I think my wardrobe should change for 2014?" I think I shall go for more ladylike tailored silhouettes, and these women will be my role-models, since they exemplify that aesthetic. 

1. Giovanna Battaglia - Fashion Editor, Stylist, Gorgeous High Style Lady that I Love. 
 This dress is my jam. I'm sure it's Prada, but I would find something like this thrifting. So great.

The fit and lipstick red color of this trench make me want to die. So perfect.

I love this "bummin around town" ensemble. Full skirt, the boots, the super cool jacket.

Now this is a look that I have not worn, but would like to explore. The high waisted skirt with a tucked in shirt, I've never really done that.

2. Miroslava Duma - Former Fashion Editor, current fashion writer/blogger, CONSTANT FASHION ICON.
 i have NEVER said a non-negative word about overalls, let alone LEATHER overalls. But DAYUM GIRL, she is making them work. I even find myself wanting some. Is she magic?

She is just so goddamn cute. I love this whole look head to toe. It's quirky, colorful, fun, comfortable, beautiful.

Are you kidding me with this jacket? If I had this it would never enter the closet because I would always be wearing it. What a find.

This "trench" is a piece of art. I love the delicacy of the flower appliques, and it's also so flattering.

3. Ulyana Sergeenko - Fashion Designer, Style Icon, Gorgeous Beauty, Photographer.

What I love about her is that she always looks like she's in costume. She has a wardrobe for the dramatic play of life.

 A lot of throwback silhouettes, much emphasizing the waist. She also often pays homage to her russian roots with head coverings and interesting prints.
 ALSO, She's a member of the pixie club. *muah*

So who influences you? What aspects of fashion would you like to try? What would you like to be?
I'd love to know.

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