I recently saw a post like this and I'd love to know your feedback!
If I could start blogging all over again, I'd definitely do a few things
different. This month I'm getting a new blog design and it really had me thinking "What the hell was I thinking when I designed this"...Donuts?!? I was even on diets, trying to get my pre-baby body back. Ha! It also got me thinking about what I would have done different in my blogging world...
I would create separate social media accounts - This is the main thing I would change. It's And I know my friends wouldn't look at me crazy every time I posted something about my blog or another giveaway. I think my main concerns are with Twitter and Instagram..shit maybe even facebook.. I don't get complaints but I'm sure I'm not on someones news feed. I get 'unfollowed' on a daily, and it's probably because of this reason! Luckily I started my blog with an e-mail buuut that leads me to .....
I would have linked all my names together with my blog - Right now everything is "cecebadazz" or something.. It has nothing to do with my blog. At all. I made the email then started blogging within the same month.. So this is my blog email BUT like I said, the name has nothing to do with Manicures or extra sprinkles.. Cecebadazz has been MY OWN nick name for ever ... cece (christin connie) bad azz (I love lil' boosie & I thought I was bad ass)
don't judge me.
I would have had a schedule - I just starting this. Or at least try to. I try to post during
the morning afternoon and late night. I have noticed that no one hardly
on in the morning, but I AM. and at night I'm either at work or busy
with life... that is when everyone is online. I'm still getting the hang of it but I'm getting there! I think if I had more time, I would definitely have a book for it.
I would promote more! - I just recently started promoting too. My Facebook page And let me tell you something. I never thought it would be this damn hard. not really hard... just a lot of work! working my full time job, being mommy, girlfriend, and daughter is enough itself and I added blogging to it! ughh shoot me now! isn't there someone I can pay for that? LOL
If you could do anything different what would it be? I know I'm forgetting something.. Ok a lot of things but I'd love to hear from you!

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