Monday, December 2, 2013

Stockmann Winter Wonderland

Christmas is everywhere now. What I look forward to every year is the Winter Wonderland at Stockmann, which is their department with Christmas decorations, food lights etc. There's just something about it. The magical Christmas music in the background, everyone's happy and excited. Did you visit yet?

Joulu on nyt kaikkialla. Odotan joka vuosi Stockmannin joulumaailmaa, eli Argos-hallin koristeosastoa. Sieltä löytyy joulukoristeita, ruokaa, jouluvaloja etc. Siinä paikassa on vain sitä jotakin. Taianomainen joulumusiikki soi taustalla, kaikki ovat iloisia ja innoissaan. Joko olet käynyt?

The newest addition to my Christmas tree 

This is from the shoe department. But aren't they cute? ;) Exactly what you need on Christmas morning.

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