Monday, December 2, 2013

$150 Nike GC - Blogger Opp

Prize: $150 Nike Gift Card or e-card

Hosted by:The Frugal Exerciser & Femme Fitale Fit Club

Tentative Dates: December 14 – December 31

Open World-wide

Deadline of Sign-ups: December 11

Requirements to Participate:

Get 1 Free link (Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest) with announcement post.

($5 fee without announcement post)

Additional links are $3 a piece.

Co-host fee is $20 and you get 4 free links and a daily comment

 on a non-giveaway post on your blog.

The blog who refers the most bloggers will get free co-host spot. (If you paid for co-host and win the referral prize, your payment will be refunded)

Announcement Post HTML: Here

Bloggers sign up: Here

Any questions contact: Sheila/The Frugal Exerciser at

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