Monday, July 29, 2013

Dressing for Michigan-Schizo weather

Today I'm wearing something akin to this (this is not me)
Since it's FREAKING ZERO degrees on July 29th, not that I'm upset with that.
Last week it was about 100 degrees. Such is Michigan Weather.

Complaining about weather is like complaining that the sky is blue. There really is no greater waste of energy.

So it got me thinking that Hipsters are actually the smartest people on earth, because they have repurposed traditionally cold weather clothing for summer wear, and are therefore prepared for anything at any time. Bravo, Hipsters.

Here are my examples:

1. Prepared for anything.
*slow clap* for this girl. She has rubber Hunter boots on, so she can withstand flooding... But a mini skirt, for up-spikes in the temperature, and the layering of a T shirt/vest/parka that can pretty much accommodate all seasons. And topped off with a knit hat. Pop this girl in any season of Michigan and she would be happy as a clam.

2. Hat/Scarf/Flannel
Is it cold? Roll the flannel sleeves down, pull the scarf over your face, and keep the hat where it is. 
Is it warm? Do the opposite of all of those steps. 
He's like a boy scout that listens to Bon Iver.

3. Giant sweater/ Uggs / no pants
Elle MacPherson, not only are you gorgeous, but you are a genius. If she gets cold all she has to do is crouch down and pull the sweater over her knees, just like a turtle. Wait that weather out, when it gets warm, just stand up and your read to go. Legs are then exposed to cool the body. 

4. Full Leg Legwarmers
Those legwarmers are for sure warmth-rated for at least 100 below zero. 

5. Jessica Alba
Even Jessica Alba is ready for weird Michigan weather, for at all times she is wearing some sort of blankie about her neck. 

So next time you want to make fun of hipsters keep this in mind, they are ALWAYS 79 steps ahead of you... In music, trends, and now weather appropriate dressing. 

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