Happy Monday!!
I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing weekend. I came across another do it yourself crafts idea that I wanted to share with you all., its a natural bug repellent idea I saw on Pinterest and of course I wanted to share. If you are hosting special events in your backyard like parties and bar-b-q's then you know how annoying bugs can be. Here's a natural do it yourself craft idea to solve this problem.
In case you guys don't know bug don't like the smell of lavender, lemon, rosemary, orange or cinnamon. Basically, bugs detest any citrus scent. I suggest you mix your preferred taste of essential oil because this bug repellent also gives a beautiful scent. You can fill your jars with odd and ends like cinnamon stick, rosemary etc for added decor. Even more, add citronella which is a natural bug repellent.
Here's what You'll Need:
some mason jars
floating candles
citronella bug off
odd and ends like cinnamon sticks, rosemary for beauty
10 minutes
Take your choice of decor odds and ends of your choice, cinnamon stick etc., water and citronella bug off and place them in the mason jar.
I hope your guys try these out. Send in pics if you do. Enjoy your day!
"beauty is a lifestyle"
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