Thursday, July 25, 2013

Best Perfume Ever

I love perfumes like I love cashmere; it's a sensual, tactile thing for me. Really great smells will make me pass out with joy, I'm not even kidding. I can remember the aroma of the toys of my childhood. 

I think I may be obsessed with fragrance because I seriously was unable to see well until age 16, when I first realized that trees had individual leaves, maybe because of that hinderance my smell sense developed into a SUPERPOWER. 
I just ordered this the other day. They sell it at the Union Woodshop, and every time I go there I spray it on liberally. It's an amazing, very NON-perfumey smell. To me, it smells like the place you would like to end up drinking coffee at at 4am in Paris after a long night of dancing with your lover.

Sephora says it has the notes of, "Jasmine, Coconut, Tonka, Cinnamon, Cedar, Patchouli, Clove."
Ok, fine... THAT. (purchase it here)

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