Friday, July 12, 2013

DIY Tootsie Roll Brooch for #noveltybroochfriday !!

I also love candy.
So why not marry the two?

We have an enormous bucket of tootsie rolls at my house, from the kids collecting them at parades, from donating to the Lion's Club, etc. My kids don't eat candy for some reason, and I haven't been able to knock out all of these by myself, so hmmmmmm what could I use them for?

a brooch of course!

I knew it would end up being heavy, so I needed something strong as a base.
I have these baby dishes with lids, and this particular lid has slits in it ( no idea why), so i never use it, it's made of hard plastic, it would be perfect:
I hot glued 2 "brooch backs" onto it, due to the weight it would one day have to support.

Then I just started hot glueing the Tootsie Rolls, starting with a sort of *star* pattern:

And then I started getting a little *avant garde*, 'til finally i had this:

I didn't really like how the baby dish lid was still visible, so I needed some filler.

I had beads from a vintage necklace that the kids had destroyed:
I thought they would be perfect, they even go with the color scheme! I hot glued them on,

TA DA!!! ooooh, I love it.

It is quite heavy though, so I needed clothing with strong fabric to wear it with today. And instantly thought of my new Nanette Lepore tweed dress, I pinned it on (which was slightly difficult) and BOOM:

HAPPY NOVELTY BROOCH FRIDAY EVERYONE! Make sure that if you make one, email it to me, i would love to see. Also, put it up on Instagram, and tag it #noveltybroochfriday !

#broochupbitches !! :-)

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