Friday, July 5, 2013

BBQ with the cousins

We've had a long tradition of spending time with our cousins (from my father's side) since many of you might didn't know but my mum married my dad and my mum's twin sister married my dad's brother so we're really tight. We used to spend a lot of summers with grandma and grandpa at the mansion but as we've grown-up we've had less of this kind of gatherings where we've cooked and done everything else together.

This time we didn't cook together but grandma invited us all for some barbecue and some nice hanging out. We sat outside in her garden since the day had been really warm. My uncle was handling the meat in the grill and when I arrived with my brother the table was full with different salads and other goods. My sister and other brother came later since they had to work.

Candy truck

We ate talked, laughed and listened to some old music, felt like we were at a summer dance, you know the really old kind. We even had dessert. My sister had baked another merengue cake and my grandma had prepared some strawberries for us and made some delicious caramel sauce. The evening was just terrific!

Domestic and delicious! :D

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