Sunday, November 24, 2013

Vintage Fash A-Go-Go

So Friday I went to a charity shop that isn't my usual and found some awesome things! Thanks for the recommendation, Danielle!

She found a GORGEOUS tweed, fur peter-pan collar coat for me there, but Alas it was a Trapeze Cut, like this:
which on my frame, makes me look like a pine tree. I was so sad, I wanted it so badly. 

I did find some other AWESOME vintage stuff there, This Pink Chiffon Dress Set:
 Here's the dress part. It's not quite long enough on me, but my friend Ollie said it would be great hemmed to a mini. So right.

It came with this matching sheer full length jacket with beading and closure at the collar.

And the bodice of the dress had this gorgeous beading detail.

How perfect would this dress be for this fondue party? 
But the dress was $50. So no no no. I don't dig and pick and break into old ladies homes to pay those prices. 

 The next thing I found was this KILLER cowboy shirt.
I have a romance for these, I have no idea why. I just love them. This one was in perfect pretty much deadstock condition. It wasn't priced outrageously either!
 I wanted it for Stonewash, but when I tried it on, it pretty much fit me, so I knew it was going to be a no-go for Stonewash's *MAN-BODY* :'-(

Lastly, I found a totally 80s rabbit fur coat, pretty much exactly like this one, but it fit me like it was made for me.
Giant built-in shoulder pads. It hit right at the belt-line. Soft like a boss. I wanted it.
But it was $60 !! WHAT!? are you kidding me? who is going to pay that for this?

Now let's talk.
I am all about helping the less fortunate. I love that. I want to help everyone. I believe that is the purpose of these types of shops, right?
The items are donated for free, and then the shop sells them to raise money to help others.


I just think; People, let's move product. You have no wholesale cost to cover for these items. The more you sell, and the more quickly... The more you can help those in need.

Or maybe this is just my *vintage hoarding brain* talking.
What do you think?

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