Saturday, November 30, 2013

$5 Starbucks FLASH Giveaway

I decided to do a 

$5 GC to Starbucks on Facebook! 

Check it out here

Ends 10 p.m. tonight! 

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I love working out and I also like to test new things. Now I've discovered HIIT (high intensity interval training). What is it? An extremely high intensity workout which is done in a faster time than regular workouts and your heart rate is literally almost 100% from the maximum during the workout. There are only short periods of rest and then you do as many reps in the given time as you possibly can. HIIT-training is said to have a huge effect on the EPOC (Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) or simply put afterburn, which can be elevated for several days. I must say at times it has felt like hell and I've been asking myself why would I do this but the feeling afterwards is just amazing. The workout is recommended to people in good shape, so if you're a beginner to training or are just starting again don't do this until you're in better condition. Anyone of you tried? Thoughts? Below is a video of a workout you can do at home. I personally prefer going to an actual class where the instructor takes care of the timing and all, it motivates more.

Bring on the HIIT!

Rakastan treenaamista ja pidän uusien asioiden kokeilusta. Nyt olen hurahtanut HIIT-treeniin, eli erittäin kovatempoiseen intervallitreeniin. Mitä tämä on? Erittäin kovatasoinen treeni joka tehdään lyhyemmässä ajassa kuin normaali treeni, mutta nopeammassa ajassa. Syke pidetään koko ajan lähes 100% maksimisykkeestä, ja treenin aikana on vain lyhyitä taukoja. Toistoja tehdään niin paljon kuin annetussa ajassa ehtii. HIIT-treeni vauhdittaa jälkipolttoa jopa usean päivän ajan. Täytyy sanoa, että jossain vaiheessa tuli sellainen fiilis että miksi ihmeessä teen tätä itselleni? Tunne treenin jälkeen on kuitenkin niin uskomaton. Treeniä suositellaan hyväkuntoisille, joten jos olet palaamassa tai vasta aloittelemassa treenailua jätä tämä ainakin aluksi väliin. Onko kenelläkään kokemuksia tai mietteitä? Yllä esimerkki kotona tehtävästä treenistä. Itse pidän enemmän ohjatuista treeneistä jossa ohjaaja selostaa ja aikaa on helpompi seurata. 

Magic Bullet Blender Giveaway!

Welcome to Magic Bullet Blender and T-Shirts Christmas Giveaway


Hosted by

Filipino Recipes Online and Pinoy Desserts by Ping

4 Lucky Winners. This Christmas Giveaway event is OPEN WORLDWIDE.


First Prize: Magic Bullet 21-piece Blender Set or Paypal Cash $60 (outside Philippines) plus 1 pc. T-Shirt

Consolation Prize: 3 Winners T-Shirts


Event Dates: December 1 - December 26


Magic Bullet 21-piece Blender Specification:

Make delicious party dips like salsa, pasta sauces, frosty milkshakes and more with the Magic Bullet 21-piece blender set. The Magic Bullet replaces a food processor, blender, and coffee grinder, yet it occupies only the space of a coffee mug. It stays handy on your countertop for instant meals and snacks. There are no buttons to push. Just load the ingredients into the short cup, the tall cup or one of the four mugs.

magic bullet 

 Magic Bullet 21-piece blender set includes a high-torque power base, tall and short bullet cups, 4 party mugs with colored lip rings, 2 shaker tops and 2 stay-fresh lids. Its blade and bullet-shaped design help circulate the food back to the Cyclonic Cutting Zone for quick processing. This 250-watt blender grates, grinds, blends, chops and mixes drinks in high speed to save you time. You just need to place the bullet cup or the mug on the high-torque power base and press it to get lip-smacking smoothies or frosty treats. This stainless steel blender comes with a recipe book, so you can delight your friends and family with a different mouth-watering drink each time. It's dishwasher safe, making for effortless maintenance.

  • As Seen on TV - High-speed blender grates, grinds, blends and mixes drinks in 10 seconds

  • Create smoothies, shakes and other delicious frozen drinks

  • Includes power base, 2 stainless steel blades, tall and short cup, 4 party mugs, 2 shaker tops, 2 stay-fresh lids and recipe book

  • 21-pc. set

  • Wattage Output: 250 Watts

  • Number of Speeds: 1

  • Capacity (volume): 19.0 Oz.

  • Appliance Capabilities: Smoothes, Blends, Grates, Grinds, Mixes

  • Features: Stainless Steel Blades

  • Includes: Instruction Manual, Recipe Book

  • Material: Stainless Steel

  • Metal Finish: Stainless Steel

  • Care and Cleaning: Dishwasher Safe Parts

  • Assembly Details: assembly required, no tools needed


With a special Shoutout to our event Co-Host:

Looking for ideas for your Christmas menu? Create the perfect Christmas dinner with recipes from Filipino Recipes Portal Christmas Collection.

Enter in the rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: Manicures & Extra Sprinkles.. Please!  is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Filipino Recipes Portal is responsible for shipment of the prize . This event was organized by please contact with questions or if you want to be featured on our the next Giveaway event!

Saturday Playlist

It's almost December and this weekend is the most busy weekend for Christmas parties. That inspired me to share some of the music on my playlist today. 
Joulukuu lähestyy ja tämä viikonloppu onkin pikkujoulujen kannalta vuoden kiireisin. Se inspiroi minua jakamaan hieman musiikkia soittolistallani tänään. 

Friday, November 29, 2013

My Vintage Holy-Grail WishList for Santa

 Since it's *BLACK FRIDAY*
and the masses are out buying Christmas gifts for all the people that they love.

I was thinking about what would *I* like. Of ANYTHING in the world, what would I like Santa to bring me? There are a couple items that I've been searching all over the world for in vintage land. And I have as of yet, not found. Or... to be more clear I have not found a version of it that has fit *me*.

So Santa, if you're listening... And if I've been good, which I probably haven't, bring me these SUPER HOLY GRAIL ONE IN A MILLION VINTAGE ITEMS!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!

1. A 1960s/1970s Jumpsuit

Specifically I would like a button-up one with a spread collar and wide legs and pockets, exactly like this. And I know what you're all thinking, "This is a pattern! Get the pattern! Sew it!" No, I want it in real *of the era* fabric, I want it to have had a previous happy life on someone else's body.
I know that's weird, but that's part of it for me. 

I love this one. The way that this girl is modeling "Charlie's Angels" style is CRACKING ME UP. I love her. Maybe that's why I want one of these, I want to FIGHT CRIME.

Jill Munroe knew how to work a jumpsuit. Look how glamourous this is. Even with a gun and a dead guy on the floor.
I found TONS of jumpsuits while vintaging. I'd say 100s. But each and every one has been too short in the legs, too short in the torso, never fitting right. I found a Christian Dior one about 6 months ago that I wanted to fit me so badly but the hem stopped at mid calf. I cried.

2. A 1940s playsuit that has a matching top and bottom that reveals a sliver of midriff
 Look at Betty Grable here. Looking adorbs. It's such a cute, cheeky combo. While vintage hunting I've found one part of a playsuit like this, but never the pair. I think since the torso is split, I actually would have the chance of fitting into one of these right off the peg!

 How cute is this! Tiny baby poosie skinnsie Norma Jean in her playsuit at the beach! I like the skirt version here. Great pattern.
 But this one is my favorite. I love the short sleeve, the tie front, the silly candy-striper print. If I could only find you, my proverbial white whale.

3. Vintage Waitress Uniforms

I do have 2 of these, but you know, they're like potato chips you just can't have a couple, you need a MILLION.
 If I ever found this one (1940s, above) I would literally die.

These uniforms are so incredibly kitschy, ALWAYS have amazing color schemes, great piping details.

The nipped waist silhouette and full skirt is so flattering on the body. I bet those babes made some MAJOR tips.
For some reason I always love a zip-front too. I have about 5 dresses with zip fronts in my vintage corral, and there's something about them that's so cool, and interesting.

Such cute cuffs and pockets on this!

Also in the realm of uniforms in 60s/70s "Air Hostess" gear, which I have NEVER SEEN FOR SALE in all my years of vintaging.

I'll never stop looking for you, my loves. But Santa please hook a sister up. 

Holiday greetings from Louis Vuitton

This just popped in the mail yesterday. Anything that catches your eye?
Tämä tipahti postiluukusta eilen. Löytyykö mitään silmää miellyttävää?

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am grateful for you guys and all your support! I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Please enjoy your day!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

An outfit for work/a job interview and my day

I was supposed to make this outfit post last week already but I've been so busy with school lately it's killing me. My wardrobe is very basic and classy, a lot of black and some white and I like to mix these two colors. Even the colors of my bags are quite basic, I can say I own a few too many black clutches. But you can never have too many of them right? I was wearing this outfit earlier like I said. I mixed a basic loose, white top with black jeans and a neat but not too fancy blazer that you can wear for day or night. This kind of outfit would be suitable for office work or a job interview for example, if you wanna make a good impression. By switching accessories you get a whole new outfit. That's about the outfit and now a bit more about my day. I can't remember the last time I was sitting in class at school but today I had two mandatory ones. As I didn't sleep that well last night and it was morning class I just felt bad listening to presentations when I would've felt like sleeping even if the topics were interesting. So after I got home and had lunch I just fell down on the couch and fell asleep. My nap turned into a 2,5h sleep and I felt like the whole day had gone by. Later in the evening I headed for a BodyPump class to get some more energy and a full workout. It felt great. I just finished stretching really well which I've also been really lazy at lately. But now I feel good and maybe will even try to get to bed a bit earlier than usual. I'm more of a night person but I've realized that sleeping earlier would be healthier so I'm trying to change my ways. Do you have any tips on how to catch some sleep earlier? I don't drink coffee so there shouldn't be any caffeine in my body.
Minun oli tarkoitus tehdä tämä asupostaus jo viime viikolla mutta koulu on pitänyt niin kiireisenä että se on hermojaraastavaa. Vaatekaappini on erittäin perusklassinen, paljon mustaa ja seassa myös valkoista ja tykkään sekoitella näitä värejä. Jopa laukkujeni värit ovat aika basic, voin sanoa että omistan hieman liian monta mustaa kirjekuorilaukkua. Mutta eihän niitä ole koskaan liikaa vai mitä? Minulla oli tämä asu päällä siis aiemmin. Sekoitin löysän, valkoisen topin kanssa mustat farkut ja siistin mutta ei liian hienostuneen bleiserin, joka käy aamusta iltaan. Tällaista asua sopisi käyttää vaikka toimistotöissä tai työhaastattelussa, jos haluaa tehdä hyvän ensivaikutelman. Asusteita vaihtamalla saa kokonaan uuden asun. Se asusta ja nyt enemmän tästä päivästä. En muista koska viimeksi olin luennolla, mutta tänään oli jopa kaksi pakollista. Koska en nukkunut oikein hyvin viime yönä tuntui turhauttavalta istua ja kuunnella esitelmiä vaikka aiheet olivat kiinnostavia. Kun pääsin kotiin ja olin syönyt lounaan rojahdin sohvalle ja nukahdin. Päikkäreistä tulikin 2,5h unet ja tuntui että koko päivä oli mennyt. Myöhemmin illalla lähdin BodyPump-tunnille jotta saisin vähän energiaa ja treenin tehtyä. Tuntui todella hyvältä. Sain juuri päätökseen kunnon venyttelyt joista olen viime aikoina myös luistanut. Mutta nyt olo on hyvä  ja ehkä jopa yritän päästä nukkumaan hieman aikaisemmin. Olen enemmän iltaihminen, mutta olen todennut että aikaisemmin nukkumaanmeno olisi tietysti terveyden kannalta parempi kuin valvominen, ja viime aikoina unirytmini onkin ollut täysin sekaisin. Yritän siis muuttaa tätä tapaa. Onko teillä mitään hyviä vinkkejä siihen miten saisi unen päästä kiinni? En juo kahvia joten elimistössäni ei pitäisi olla kofeiinia. 

Top: Vero Moda
Jeans: Esprit
Blazer: Ralph Lauren
Bag: LV

10 Last Minute Gift Ideas

Hey guys! Here's the lastest Enzine Article!

The holiday season is here! There's no better way to express love and gratitude than with a gift. These 10 engravable gift ideas are perfect and will impress even the most selective person to buy a gift for. In many cultures around the world the social value of giving is recognized and in some aboriginal cultures gifting is an elaborate and complex ritual in which entire village is engaged. Gift giving strengths bonds with family, friends and these stocking stuffers are sure to warm the hearts of those you love.

10. Cosmetic Bag Set
The make-up goddess you know will enjoy the beautiful satin water repellant cosmetic bad set. Personalized and sold as a set of 2 this bag is available in your choice of hot pink, shimmering and white.

9. Kids Canvas Height Chart
Your little one will adore this personalized kids height chart canvas to track their progress. Available in a number of playful designs this chart is kid friendly and will make a great addition to their bedroom or playroom wall.

8. Personalized Fitness Fun Tote
This bag if for the fitness fanatic! Ideal for the gym, this spacious bag is engravable with up to seven characters available in black, blueberry, cerise red or green apple. This tote is great for a leisure day at the beach or an afternoon of running errands.

7. Personalized Spa Chic Soap Set with Loofah Sponge
The fresh scent of green tea and olive oil is a delight in this personalized spa chic soap set with loofah sponge. This set comes with a beautiful custom packing in an attractive box that includes two personalized bars of soap and a handy sea sponge with a rope. A practical gift that is used daily.

6. Personalized Laguna Cooler
This unisex cooler will have you parting OC style! Take this spacious personable cooler to backyard gatherings, to the beach or a lakeside gathering. This three initial monograms cooler has enough space for a few six packs.

5. Bamboo Puzzle Cutting Board with 2 Wine Glasses
Wine enthusiasts will admire the personalize bamboo cutting board that comes with 2 white wine glasses.

4. Personalize Champagne Glitz Pen with Swarovski Crystals
For the one who loves glitz and glamour this personalized swarovski pen resembles a little bubbly. This stylish pen comes in a pretty white box with a keepsake drawer, a handy pocket holder and polishing cloth.

3. Personalized Leather Desk Caddie
This curvy personalized leather desk caddie is uniquely designed. Keep your pens, pencils and paper clips neatly organized which helps to prevent desk clutter. This desk caddie is great for student, a teacher or the executive.

2. Personalized Silver Plated Jewelry Box with Raised Heart
Store your jewelry in this cute petite jewelry box! This keepsake box is engravable and made of brass with a silver plated for shine and durability.

1. Personalized My Favorite Tote
This attractive bag will accommodate all of your daily necessities. The comfortable double strap makes it easy to carry on your shoulder and is available in perky pastels with decorative brass hardware and accents.

Wednesday Inspiration: Josephine Baker


"Things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains." Josephine Baker

"beauty is a lifestyle"

ssnqjb ssqnnaThe things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains.

We're Expecting #2!!!!


When I first found out, you all were the first to know!

But I didn't want to get too excited until I was past the "miscarriage" stage & I am now!  I'm 12 weeks and right now my baby is the size of a LIME!!! I'm so excited and although I'm praying for a girl, I'll take anything as long as the baby is healthy ! 

Lately I've made a lot of changes. I use to smoke a pack a day.... I'm down to one cigarette a day or on cigarette every few days. I've cut out the diet coke (diet anything really). I've limited my coffee intake to 1 cup a day. I'm actually eating (for the most part) healthy. BUT I have been eating A LOT!

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Make Up Tips By Drew Barrymore


Happy Tuesday!!!

I stumbled across this awesome video with actress Drew Barrymore (who's expecting her second child by the way) with a make up tutorial demonstrating how old Hollywood make up artist would use their hands to apply make up. I found this video fascinating and I was impressed to see Drew Barrymore with practically no make and very pregnant! She's a brave soul and I believe she's recently launched her own make -up line. Click here to watch the guide!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

Economists gone wild

Friday night was time for the annual Master's graduates party followed up on Saturday night by a party for older students and the graduates. The feeling is always a little different and I might say sometimes even crazier than freshmen parties cause for some, it's the last one. I felt both happy and sad being there. Happy since I've missed it (we didn't have the same kind of culture in France) and sad since a lot of my friends I started together with graduated now and it would've been nice to do it together. But it was fun seeing everyone and wishing them good luck now that they're done with school. And since leaving school there has to be some kind of "show" to be remembered for. I guess you could call it economists gone wild. What do you guys think?

What does the economist say?

Perjantaina oli vuotuinen maistereiden valmistumisjuhla jota seurasi lauantai-iltana koulun vanhemille opiskelijoille ja vastavalmistuneille tarkoitetut sitsit. Siellä fiilis on aina erikoinen ja joskus jopa hullumpi kuin fuksivuonna sillä joillekkin ne ovat koulun viimeiset bileet. Olin sekä iloinen että surullinen ollessani siellä. Iloinen koska olin kaivannut tätä fiilistä mitä meillä aina on (Ranskassa oli erilainen kulttuuri) ja surullinen koska moni ystäväni jonka kanssa aloitin opiskelut yhtäaikaa valmistuivat nyt. Olisi siis ollut kiva tehdä tämä yhdessä. Mutta oli kuitenkin ihanaa nähdä kaikkia ja toivottaa onnea nyt kun koulu on loppu heidän osaltaan. Valmistuneilla on tapana järjestää "show" josta heidät muistetaan. Tätä voisi kai kutsua nimellä Economists gone wild. Mitä tykkäätte?

Once again congrats and good luck to all my graduating friends! Vielä kerran onnea ja menestystä valmistuneille ystävilleni! :) 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Caffe Borsa Giveaway

Sponsors- Daily Woman Blog and Caffe Borsa

Review by Daily Woman

Caffe Borsa was generous enough to send me a sample of their Hand Drip Premium Coffee. I received the Sumatra and Guatemala. I love the idea of being able to have a fresh brewed cup of coffee anytime. Personally in the morning I use my coffee maker because I drink more than one cup. Then in the evening time I like to have a cup after dinner Caffe Borsa is perfect. I just hang the bag on my favorite cup, cut the top of the bag off, heat up some water and pour into the bag. THAT'S IT. A FRESH BREWED cup of coffee. If you like you coffee stronger then just add less water. It is great for anyone that only drinks about one cup of coffee or for traveling or camping. Caffe Borsa serves the same purpose as the K-Cup without having to buy the machine. 

Sumatra-  Made with 100% single origin Sumatra mandehling Arabica coffee bean ground, dark flavor and rich aroma.
Made with 100% single origin Guatemala Antigua Arabica coffee bean ground.
Caffe Borsa recently launched a new campaign on Kickstarter to get preorders on their new flavored coffees, Mocha and Hazelnut featuring their new filtering system. At Caffe Borsa they are working hard everyday to bring you a easy, quick and efficient way to make you the best cup coffee ever.  I know alot of people prefer flavor coffee and if so check out the campaign. You can also find alot of information about Caffe Borsa and the way they make their coffee on Kickstarter.

To  Learn More or Buy Now Click Here


Enter if you want a gift for christmas or any birthday coming up!


4 assorted flavors of Caffe Borsa premium single serve coffee

Disclaimer: Daily Woman Blog or any other blog promoting this giveaway are not responsible for prize delivery. Prize will come directly from sponsor. If you have any questions about giveaway email

AMA 2013 Fashion

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing weekend. So lets get right into it. Who wore what at the AMA and who wore it best. Lets start with  Jordan Sparks shall we?

She's amongst one of the tallest women in the biz. At 6'0 tall and with her dramatic weight loss Jordan Sparks looked lovely in the gold beaded halter top with what appears to be a velvet material dress. I love her fresh face and youthful approach to make-up. Well done.

Zendaya. What a beautiful name and its fitting for this young lady as she scrolled the red carpet in a sexy but classy all white off the shoulder ensemble. The look was accessorized with bangles a clutch and seriously straight hair with a center part. A goddess indeed!

Probably one of may favorite looks of the night. Who doesn't love Kelly Osborne's style as its so authentic and eclectic. She rocked purple hair with a silvery Alice in wonderland checkerboard 60s inspired gown. This was just fun and that's what the AMA's are about.

The Jenner sisters looked hot!

Looks like Rihanna received more attention for sporting a doobie wrap than receiving The Icon award. Rih rih sure knows how to get tongues talking!!

"beauty is a lifestyle"

AMA 2013 Red Carpet Best Dressed!

Ooooooh, you know I love Awards Show Fashion & the American Music Awards are always so much fun. 
A lot of the ladies were bringing solids this year, especially a lot of black, white & red. 
Low cut necklines, keyholes, AND high necks were all over the red carpet. 

I thought these ladies did it EDGY, ROCK N ROLL, MUSIC-FABULOUS. (and just right now I realized every dress I picked was black, LOL)

1. Ciara in J. Mendel

 Holy Crap is she beautiful. It's unreal. I love this dress on her, it highlights every perfect inch of her, and I think that she looks better in the gown than the runway model! (below)

2. Katy Perry in Oscar de la Renta
 I generally do not like what Katy Perry wears. Yes she is a gorgeous young woman, but I feel that usually she goes for too-tight, over the top cleave, without ample support for her girls.
This dress looks like something Scarlett O'Hara or Maria from "Sound of Music" would make from their curtains, and for me that is a good thing, and I fully appreciate this look. *slow clap*

3. Kesha in Michael Costello
( PS- I am refusing to use the dollar sign in her name, that is just not happening.)
At first I was like, "who is this?!"
KESHA!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Usually she looks like she crawled out of an hourly motel after a 48 hour meth binge/rave.
Some fashion friends of mine were critical of this look and said they like the "Crazy Kesha" better. But I like this.
SHOW THAT QUADZILLA, KESHA! I always do. You earned the right, sister.
You look beautiful, poised and healthy. Bravo.

4. MC Lyte!
 "Hello, my name is MC Lyte, I am 43 years old and I look better than bitches 20 years younger than me." BOOM.
She's just a radiant beauty, and it's hard to believe that her hey-day of fame was SO LONG AGO!
I mean, the LEGS, the MAKEUP, the HAIR, i love her.

5. Naya Rivera in Michael Kors
 I love this hair, I think I used to do this hair, and now I miss it. :-(
The styling is on point. I love the gold cuffs over the wrists of the dress.
This girl is a great comedic actress, she is drop dead beautiful, I always think she should be a bigger star.
The mermaid silhouette is so dramatic, she just looks like a million bucks.

6. Rihanna in Jean Paul Gaultier couture
I think I just have a crush on her and she can do no wrong in my eyes. 
The thing about Rihanna is that no matter how outlandish the garments she wears are, SHE WEARS THEM, the clothes don't WEAR her. Do you know what I mean? 
She rocks her looks with full confidence and attitude. 
Look at her just sitting here, "I know I'm a goddess..."

I do not do worst dressed lists, but there were several wonderful talented young ladies that wore things that they just didn't look comfortable in, like the fabric was standing away from their skin aching to jump right off. That's too bad.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

it's been a while

FantasticallyAverageI've been away for a while! I'm super stressed with work, my car accident (you can read about or see about it HERE) and other things, life.

I have decided though, to quit bitchin and get er done. lol

I can't even remember the last time I did my 5 for I'm going to just start fresh.

1. ZUMBA 2X A WEEK- I just don't want to gain a lot of weight with the holidays coming up! 

2. GET ALL MY GROCERIES FOR THANKSGIVING- I actually have to work on Thanksgiving morning so preparing some of the food to make it easy for my mom.

3. MAKE IT THROUGH BLACK FRIDAY- I have a few things in mind, but mainly trying not to kill someone is my goal!

4. GET MY NAILS DONE- It's been over due.

5.PAY IT FORWARD - if I eat out this week I will pay for the person behind me order. I've had it done to me before and it was a great thing!




 here ---->

Inline image 1








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Vintage Fash A-Go-Go

So Friday I went to a charity shop that isn't my usual and found some awesome things! Thanks for the recommendation, Danielle!

She found a GORGEOUS tweed, fur peter-pan collar coat for me there, but Alas it was a Trapeze Cut, like this:
which on my frame, makes me look like a pine tree. I was so sad, I wanted it so badly. 

I did find some other AWESOME vintage stuff there, This Pink Chiffon Dress Set:
 Here's the dress part. It's not quite long enough on me, but my friend Ollie said it would be great hemmed to a mini. So right.

It came with this matching sheer full length jacket with beading and closure at the collar.

And the bodice of the dress had this gorgeous beading detail.

How perfect would this dress be for this fondue party? 
But the dress was $50. So no no no. I don't dig and pick and break into old ladies homes to pay those prices. 

 The next thing I found was this KILLER cowboy shirt.
I have a romance for these, I have no idea why. I just love them. This one was in perfect pretty much deadstock condition. It wasn't priced outrageously either!
 I wanted it for Stonewash, but when I tried it on, it pretty much fit me, so I knew it was going to be a no-go for Stonewash's *MAN-BODY* :'-(

Lastly, I found a totally 80s rabbit fur coat, pretty much exactly like this one, but it fit me like it was made for me.
Giant built-in shoulder pads. It hit right at the belt-line. Soft like a boss. I wanted it.
But it was $60 !! WHAT!? are you kidding me? who is going to pay that for this?

Now let's talk.
I am all about helping the less fortunate. I love that. I want to help everyone. I believe that is the purpose of these types of shops, right?
The items are donated for free, and then the shop sells them to raise money to help others.


I just think; People, let's move product. You have no wholesale cost to cover for these items. The more you sell, and the more quickly... The more you can help those in need.

Or maybe this is just my *vintage hoarding brain* talking.
What do you think?