Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween!
I would love for you guys to send in any pics you have of your customs. Halloween is a day when we all become children again! Heres' a quick recipe how to roast the perfect pumpkin seeds for Halloween by Oh She These are a fav of my and I hope you enjoy them too! Happy festivities!
"beauty is a lifestyle"
Beach day in Villefranche
Oh how I miss Nice already. Now I'm back home with a bit of a flu. The good thing is that you will always have memories that don't fade away and you can always look at the beautiful pics. Which brings me back to last Friday and waking up to a sunny, beautiful day in Nice. It was the last day there and of course when it was still summery outside a beach day was a must. We'd had a great night the night before so sleeping a bit longer didn't feel bad at all. We took the train to Villefranche-sur-Mer, which is a nice cool place right next to Nice. If you're looking for a good old sand beach this is your spot, the pebbly beach in Nice of course is unique in its own way too. I was telling Moritz how nice it would be if the time would just stop, how often in your "regular life" can you take a Friday afternoon off and go lay on the beach. But sooner or later it was time to get back to reality. There was a surprise birthday party planned for a friend and some preparations needed to be made. Some of the girls actually arrived while I was still in my towel so we had to ask them to come back later. What a good introduction to new people don't you think? :)
Voi kuinka kaipaan jo Nizzaan. Nyt istun kotona pieni flunssa päällä. Onneksi hyvät muistot jäävät eivätkä haalistu ja aina voi katsella kauniita kuvia. Siitä päästäänkin viime perjantaihin kun heräsin aurinkoiseen ja kauniiseen päivään Nizzassa. Se oli viimeinen päiväni siellä ja koska ulkona oli niin kesäinen ilma oli pakko lähteä rannalle. Meillä oli erittäin onnistunut ilta edellisenä iltana ja hieman pitempään nukkumisesta ei todellakaan ollut haittaa. Hyppäsimme junaan ja matkasimme Villefranche-sur-Meriin, joka on kiva pieni paikka Nizzan vieressä. Jos etsit perinteistä hiekkarantaa tämä sopii sinulle, vaikka Nizzan kiviranta on tietysti erikoinen omalla tavallaan. Sanoin Moritzille että voi kunpa ajan voisi vain pysäyttää, kuinka usein "normaalissa elämässä" voi ottaa perjantai-iltapäivän vapaaksi ja mennä rannalle makaamaan. Mutta ennemmin tai myöhemmin oli aika palata todellisuuteen. Illaksi oli suunnitteilla yllätyssynttärijuhlat eräälle kaverille ja valmisteluja oli vielä tehtävä iltaa varten. Osa tytöistä saapui jo kun vielä seisoin pyyheeseen kietoutuneen ja oli pakko pyytää heitä tulemaan myöhemmin takaisin. Siinä vasta vaikuttava ensitapaaminen eikö totta? :)
What do you think about the pics? Mielipiteitä kuvista?
What's on Your Wish List? $1000 GC Giveaway!
What’s On Your Wish List Giveaway
Organized by Mom Powered Media and the MPM Blogger Network.
Co-hosted by these amazing bloggers:
Life According To GreenVics, Mrscpkc - Personal Memoir and Lifestyle Blog,
My Dairy Free Gluten Free Life, Mama Orquesta & Miami 4 You, Libby's Library,
Barefoot In Bluejeans, The Jenny Evolution, Capri's Coupons, DownshiftingPRO,
Plum Crazy About Coupons, Giveaway Bandit,
Growing Up Bilingual and Making of a Mom.
We are giving away $1000.00!!!! Who wouldn't want extra
money for the holidays??!?!?!
One lucky winner will receive $ 1,000 Visa Gift Card or Amazon Gift Card {choice}!
Giveaway ends December 1st at 11:59pm, open worldwide, ages 18+. Please note if the winner is a non-USA or non-Canadian resident, they will receive $1,000 via paypal instead. To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure:Manicures & Extra Sprinkles..Please! is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Please contact with questions or to see your business or blog featured on the next big event!
Keep up with me here
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Chicken Cordon Bleu
I never knew it was this easy to make! LOL
You will need ;
2 chicken breasts
4 slices of ham
4 slices of cheese
1.5 cups bread crumbs
1 egg
1. Put the egg in a bowl and whisk. Put the bread crumbs in a separate bowl
2. Use a meat tenderizer to pound out the chicken til it's very
3. Put your ham and cheese on
4. Roll them up
5. Dip each chicken roll-up in egg and roll in bread crumbs
6. Put in a baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes
Keep up with me here
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Rooftop party
So it had been a long day. Lunch in Old Town, strolling down the promenade, exciting shopping and dinner in Monaco. But the day was not over yet. There were more than one things going on that night but Moritz and I decided to head to the rooftop party at the Plaza hotel in Nice. What an amazing view you've got up there, you can see the entire city. There's a lot of space to move around and in the middle of it all there's a big bar. As we got our drinks I heard a familiar voice. It was Robin shouting Minttu so I left my bag and drink and ran to his arms. He had the whole gang with him. It was so nice to see everyone; Cathrine, TD, Thomas, Tim, Quentin, Anamaria and Cathrine's boyfriend Markus was also visiting. We enjoyed the party and talked a lot since I hadn't seen the others in quite a while, and Moritz fit right in to the group.
Oli ollut pitkä päivä. Lounasta vanhassa kaupungissa, kävelyä rantakadulla, jännittävää shoppailua ja illallista Monacossa. Mutta ilta ei todellakaan ollut ohi. Tapahtumia olisi ollut useampikin mutta minä ja Mortiz lähdimme rooftop bileisiin Plaza hotelliin. Sieltä on uskomattomat näkymät koko Nizzaan. Siellä on paljon tilaa liikkua ja keskellä on iso baari. Kun olimme saamassa drinkkejämme kuulin tutun äänen. Robin huusi Minttu joten jätin laukkuni ja juomani ja juoksin hänen syliinsä. Koko jengi oli mukana. Oli ihanaa nähdä kaikki; Cathrine, TD, Thomas, Tim, Quentin, Anamaria ja Catherinen poikaystävä Markus oli myös vierailulla. Nautimme juhlista ja juttelimme koska emme olleet nähneet pitkään aikaan, Moritz sopi porukkaan hyvin.
The night continued via the promenade to High Club and all of you who were there know we once again had a fantastic time, with new and old friends. Thanks guys for making our evening together so much fun!
Ilta jatkui Promenadin kautta High Clubilla ja kaikki paikallaolijat tietävät että meillä jälleen kerran oli ihana ilta, sekä uusien että vanhojen ystävien kesken. Kiitos kaikille hauskasta yhteisestä illasta!
Holiday Preview!
Happy Tuesday!
The upcoming holiday season has the site buzzing with new holiday gifts. Here's a preview of a few of the items I'm loading. Engravable gifts and gift certificates will be available for even the most selective of shoppers. So tell me what were a few of your favorites gifts your even received? Hope you enjoy!!
Personalize Flower Girl Frame
Personalized All Dolled Up Leather Brush Kit
Lasered iPad Case
Black Hohner Harmonica
"beauty is a lifestyle"
Shopping in Monaco
To continue a great day I headed to Monaco for the evening to shop with my friend Nilda. She picked me up with her car and we drove the curvy but fabulous way up there, the view was breathtaking. As I had some things that I needed in mind we parked the car and headed to Gucci. After that it was time for what else than Christian Louboutin. We spent quite a while there until I found what I was looking for; a pair of classic Pigalle in black patent leather. Since in Monaco you have to pay a visit to the famous Metropole shopping center next to the Casino. It is quite a sight. I had to get some Laduree macaroons, Caramel with salted butter is their specialty and it is delicious if you ever wanna try one. That's why I bought two of those.
Jatkona hyvälle päivälle suuntasin illaksi shoppailemaan Monacoon ystäväni Nildan kanssa. Hän haki minut autollaan ja ajoimme mutkikasta mutta upeaa tietä ylös, näkymät olivat henkeäsalpaavat. Minulla oli muutama asia hankittavana joten parkkeerasimme auton ja suuntasimme Guccille. Sen jälkeen oli aika minnekäs muualle kuin Christian Louboutinille. Vietimme siellä melkoisen tovin ennen kuin löysin mitä etsin; klassisen parin Pigalle korkkareita kiiltonahalla. Monacossa ollessa on pakko pistäytyä myös kuuluisassa Metropole ostoskeskuksessa, joka sijaitsee aivan kasinon vieressä. Se on melkoinen näky. Sieltä saa Ladureen macaroneja, karamelli suolatun voin kera on heidän erikoisuutensa jos joskus haluatte maistaa, se on herkullista. Siksi ostinkin sitä tuplat.
Every girl's dream
Buying sweets
After some shopping it was time to sit down for dinner at Café de Paris. It felt good to be back. It is October but the restaurant and terrace was totally packed and some people weren't even let in because of the crowd. Enjoying some wine and talking we had a fun evening before heading back to Nice again. What happened next? It was time to meet up with more friends. Stay tuned, more about that later.
Shoppailun jälkeen oli aika istahtaa illalliselle Café de Parisiin. Tuntui hyvältä palata tänne. Vaikka on lokakuu oli ravintola ja terassi täynnä ja osa ihmisistä käännytettiin ruuhkan takia pois. Nautimme myös viiniä ja juttelimme, meillä oli hauskaa ennen kuin oli aika palata Nizzaan. Mitä seuraavaksi tapahtui? Oli aika tavata lisää ystäviä. Pysykää mukana, lisää siitä myöhemmin.
Monday, October 28, 2013
$200 ToysRus Giveaway!
Hosted by:
Co-Hosted by:
One lucky winner will win
$200 Gift Card for Toysrus
Dates: October 29 12:01am to November 19 11:59pm.
US Resident Only
We appreciate the support of our co-hosts, please show your support by following them on their social medias pages.
Disclaimer: Manicures & Extra Sprinkles...Please! is not responsible for the awarding of the prize. NYSavingSpecials is responsible for prize fulfillment. If you have any question about this giveaway, please email the host at nysavingspecials
Porch Decorations!
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