Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why? LuluLemon Why?

I like to spend money on a lot of stupid crap... Googly Eyes, High-End Lipgloss, Clif Bars...

But one thing I will not spend cash on is expensive workout gear. I do not understand this. I wear the most *nastee* diy cut off black lycra tights that I bought in 1999, I am not joking. 

My friends did get me into performance fabrics for tops, but DAMN you can get a Nike Dri-Fit T shirt at the Salvation Army for 5 bucks!! SERIOUSLY!
I love thrifting.

So these are the pants that everyone loves... The Lululemon Groove Pant. Which is $98.

Yes, they come in lots of cool color combos... voilà

 All the celebs wear them....
 See... Megan Fox, Reese, Gisele and Eva Longoria...

I just can't do it. I can't. I don't care what I look like when I'm working out. That is not something you should really be thinking about when you are getting your fitness on? Am I Right?

Like there's this chick at my Physical Therapy place that dresses like this to exercise:
Which is amazing and I love her for it.

So here are the much better ways you can spend 98 dollars. 

1. You can get these earrings!!! NO JOKE!!
Aren't they gorgeous!!?? Buy them here (click here)

2. You can buy FIVE bottles of Stoli Razberi!!
For me this is a no brainer. 5 fifths of delicious russian goodness is better than anything. 

3. A Luxurious Pedicure & Shellac Mani at Nordstrom Spa
Seriously what is more relaxing than that. Ahhhh. Nordie's seriously is the best. 
Book it here (click here)

4. ORRRR, since I love animals.... A Bearded Dragon!
these are so damn cute. buy this one. (click here)

5. Maybe you are just looking for a YEAR of joy for your $98. How about a year subscription 52 ISSUES of Us Weekly!!!
by the way, Beyonce, this is not true. I AM! hahha, jk.

For $98 you can get the Trash Mag subscript, AND a ton of Cheetos and Gummy Bears, perfect for 52 lazy saturdays. (click here)

So forget the yoga pants. Get 5 of your friends together and getcho nailz did, read trash mags, hang out with your dragon and everyone take a night wearing those FABULOUS EARRINGS! CHEERS!

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