Friday, October 25, 2013

Shoe Porn du Jour - Camper + Bernhard Willhelm = The Himalayan

I love Artists & Personality & Sense of Humor & Fashion, so I love the designer Bernhard Willhelm: who has all of these things. 

For Bernhard's Spring/Summer 2014 Lookbook, he exclusively used "Seasoned and Mature" models like these two...
and you just have to go to his website right now, so you can see the lady from this photo above gesticulating for the camera, it's so awesome. (click here)

Look at this dude werq this knit cap...

This jogging suit with a black lacquer panther? Yes please.

And this matched His/Hers set? Yes I want this for Stonewash and I.

So when I saw these shoes, I was like HELLZ YES. I love the interesting spacey shape. It looks like footwear conceived for the biome of Tatooine.

 They retail for $275, not bad, they look totally bad ass and functional. Buy them here (click here)
 AND THEN Bernhard and Camper did a collabo on the shoe with Opening Ceremony and things really flew OFF THA CHAINZ. I love this skiing dino print above. Holy Lord. (click here to buy)
 Here's one of the girl pairs above, I think these are just so cool. I'd style them with dark wash skinnies.
 They also come in some pretty tame solid colors, of which I thought, "Why the Hell?"
 Like these black ones.... Borophyll
 They kind of remind me of Fluevogs, remember those?

This is how they look on the foot...
 This styling is super chic. I really like this parachute pant with the Camper Himalayan shoe and the ironic visor. I love it.

The way this guy paired his Camper Himalayas with this super boring outfit makes him look like a hipster that failed to get admitted to a Lower East Side dive bar.
It's akin to the way hipsters sometimes get some giant 90s Reebok Pumps and wear them with "painted-on" skinnies and a cardigan. No me gusta.

I like this shoe, but I really think it's go to be paired well, and the look needs to be new and fresh, not something we've seen before. it's like reinventing the wheel.
goodspeed my friends.

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