Thursday, October 3, 2013

Paris Fashion Week: Perfection at Chanel SS 2014

Yes, I have talked badly of Uncle Karl. I've accused him of resting on his laurels, and being lazy and following a format, similar to how I describe Ralph Lauren.... But I digress.... 

I TAKE EVERYTHING BACK. I love this collection Karl did for Chanel. 
This shiz is outrageous in the best way...

Exhibit A: They had a naked man with a wheel on his back and a Chanel No.5 Robot at the show.

Exhibit B: They had avant garde rainbow makeup and crazy wigs.

I loved this collection, the colors, I feel like these are akin to the aesthetic of my brooches, PIGMENTS, TEXTURE, LIGHT, FUN, MOVEMENT, GEOMETRY. It's so cool. 

 Even the more traditional Chanel-esque pieces were *turned on their head*. I love the gigantic pearls on the necklaces.

These giant pearl headphones around her neck, I want so badly I would go all Detroit and jump her in an alley for them.

I read that the print was inspired by painter's palettes and Pantone. Two things that I adore.

 The Chanel tweed pieces are very mod. I would wear this in a heartbeat, espesh with that killer crossbody.

This was my favorite tweed piece of the collection. The white striping is so cool and flattering.

AND! They even had one gorgeous boy walk the runway. Ahhhh, his name is Marlon Teixeira, he is our artiste du jour, look at his adorable paintbrushes and little bag of art supplies.
 Oh and here's what Marlon looks like out of his Chanel... You're welcome.

So I think this show was just perfect, it brought together all the things I love about fashion, but I think sometimes are pushed to the side:

  • art
  • inventiveness
  • fun
  • delicious boys


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