Sunday, October 6, 2013

Social Sunday

 Sunday Social

1. What were you like in middle school and high school?

I was unique. I didn't try to fit in with the cool kids (or maybe 

I just wasn't cool enough) 

2. What were your favorite pastimes?

 In middle school I think I just hanging out with friends

In high school I did a lot of activities with school

 like being football water girl ;)

3. What songs were you obsessed with?

Any kind of dance song. I loved to dance. past tense

4. What fashion statement do you look backing and cringe?

When I was in middle school.. I had to wear uniforms, 

so I dressed like Brittney Spears

In high school, I had on whatever was 'in style'.. I had two jobs  

I could afford new clothes every month!

5. Who was your celeb crush?

Justin Timberlake for sure

6. What was your favorite movie?

 I don't think I was even watching T.v. or movies 

but what sticks out is Titanic 

 Linking up with Neely & Ashley

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